What is the best way to "reinstall" W2K Exchange Server?
The situation is:
W2K Exchange Server is already installed on a Pentium 200MHz computer, integrated with Active Directory on another W2K Server machine. I'm having problems with the Exchange Server rebooting or freezing which I am attributing to it being a slow computer and the 8GB hard drive being nearly filled to capacity.
Some ideas in my head are:
1. Can I just ghost the drive (or back it up) and restore it to a higher-capacity hard drive into a faster machine? Or is that an unrealistic option because I'd be changing it's HAL so dramatically and W2K Server doesn't like that much (it requires running Setup again for the operating system I guess.)
2. Can I do a fresh install on a different machine (with more horsepower)? Should I uninstall the old Exchange Server first before reintroducing the machine to the domain controller?
The situation is:
W2K Exchange Server is already installed on a Pentium 200MHz computer, integrated with Active Directory on another W2K Server machine. I'm having problems with the Exchange Server rebooting or freezing which I am attributing to it being a slow computer and the 8GB hard drive being nearly filled to capacity.
Some ideas in my head are:
1. Can I just ghost the drive (or back it up) and restore it to a higher-capacity hard drive into a faster machine? Or is that an unrealistic option because I'd be changing it's HAL so dramatically and W2K Server doesn't like that much (it requires running Setup again for the operating system I guess.)
2. Can I do a fresh install on a different machine (with more horsepower)? Should I uninstall the old Exchange Server first before reintroducing the machine to the domain controller?