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Reinstalling COM+ 5

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Jan 9, 2004

I have a critical issue with COM+ not being able to be reinstalled properly. I removed COM3 registry key from the registry, then renamed the catalog file in system32 and tried to reinstall COM+ by going to Add/Remove windows components but i get this error:

Sub-component COM+ raised an exception while processing the OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION setup message.
d:\nt\com\com1x\src\complussetup\comsetup\ccompluscore.cpp (line 565)
Error Code = 0x80040155
Interface not registered
The COM+ event classes could not be registered.

I'm on a Windows XP Professional machine with IIS v5.1 instaleld and ASP.NET v1.1, i cannot get IIS to serve ASP or ASP.NET files, no not to do with a firewall and i've tried setting IWAM and IUSR passwords...

can anyone help? I dont want to reformat and reinstall cause i have about 500GB(RAID) system which 400GB is filled with our work and VS.NET etc
You killed Com Services by removing the registry key?!?!?!

you realise that C.S. is not an optional part of XP?

You should be able to reinstall XP over the top of your exsisting XP installation. This should fix you removing the registry key and reinstall anything else XP needs for C.S. while not killing any of your applications. You'll have to reinstall some patches etc but you won't have to wipe your RAID array.

If you call MS they'll basically tell you to reinstall too. Messing with the registry is a quick way to kill your box.

Where do you even get the option to install COM+?

Hope I've been helpful,
Wayne Francis

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I almost had exact the same issue as WiseNewbie has though I did not change any registry entry. The only thing I did is that I deleted the IWAM_MyServer user. However, recreating the IWAM_MyServer does not solve the IIS issue: IIS does not handle ASP and ASPX page any more. Note that I have the same OS, .NET, and IIS settings.

When I try to start the COM+ system application service in the service control panel, the following error message shows up:

Could not start the COM+ System Application service on Local Computer.

Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.

In the application event, four error/warning entries relates to this issue:
2/17/2004 10:20:21 PM COM+ Information (117) 778 N/A XIE-XP Application image dump failed.

Server Application ID: {02D4B3F1-FD88-11D1-960D-00805FC79235}

Server Application Instance ID:


Server Application Name: System Application

Error Code = 0x80004005 : Unspecified error

COM+ Services Internals Information:

File: d:\nt\com\com1x\src\shared\util\svcerr.cpp, Line: 1258

Comsvcs.dll file version: ENU 2001.12.4414.46 shp

2/17/2004 10:20:21 PM COM+ Error (98) 4822 N/A XIE-XP A condition has occurred that indicates this COM+ application is in an unstable state or is not functioning correctly. Assertion Failure: SUCCEEDED(hr)

Server Application ID: {02D4B3F1-FD88-11D1-960D-00805FC79235}

Server Application Instance ID:


Server Application Name: System Application

The serious nature of this error has caused the process to terminate.

Error Code = 0x8000ffff : Catastrophic failure

COM+ Services Internals Information:

File: d:\nt\com\com1x\src\comsvcs\tracker\trksvr\trksvrimpl.cpp, Line: 3000

Comsvcs.dll file version: ENU 2001.12.4414.46 shp

2/17/2004 10:20:21 PM COM+ Error Unknown 4689 N/A XIE-XP The run-time environment has detected an inconsistency in its internal state. This indicates a potential instability in the process that could be caused by the custom components running in the COM+ application, the components they make use of, or other factors. Error in d:\nt\com\com1x\src\comsvcs\events\lcedisp.cpp(232), hr = 80040154: Failed to create CEventSystem to Register ChangedSubscription subscriber

2/17/2004 10:20:21 PM COM+ Warning (105) 4444 N/A XIE-XP An empty CRM log file was detected. It has been re-initialized. If this warning appears when the CRM log file is being initially created then no further action is required.

Server Application ID: {02D4B3F1-FD88-11D1-960D-00805FC79235}

Server Application Instance ID:


Server Application Name: System Application

Comsvcs.dll file version: ENU 2001.12.4414.46 shp

Any help/suggestion will be really appreciated.


Hi Folks:

I have a similar problem to what has been described in these threads.

System: xp pro, IIS 5.1.

My troubles started when I brought home some asp/html code from work and installed IIS on my xp box.

did not work at all and 'xxx.xxx.x.xxx/default.asp' returned 'Page not found'.
Finally was able to determine that something was tying up port 80 and if I tweaked the iis console and added 'xxx.xxx.x.xxx:8080/test.html' to the equation, the html worked, but the asp did not.
Then I read after a Google search, that NTFS permissions may be the culprit.
Found an article '271071-How To: Set Basic NTFS Permissions for IIS 5.0' and after applying, thats when my troubles started.
First, Norton Utilities could not run the Recycle Bin Protected Files, 'Drive C Access Denied', then other things started cropping up, like NTBACKUP started getting Volume Shadow Copy errors and refused to run, COM+ errors started to show up in Event Viewer similar to what has been described here.
Sorry it took so long to get here, but my question is: Since no new threads have been posted since Feb 18, 2004, is SemperFiDownUnder's answer to fix WiseNewbie's problem by reinstalling xp over the existing xp, the best way to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance for replying

Hi Willy

Have you made any progress on your issue? I seem to be having the same problem. IIS stopped serving .asp pages for no apparent reason yet serves .html files.

Event viewer publishes the following error: The COM+ System Application service terminated unexpectedly.

I can't for the life of me find a solutioon but many others seem to be comingh across the same issue?

Have you had any luck.

Do you know if reinstalling COM+ would fix this. Can you even do that?

Any help would be hugely appreciated.

Hi Tom;

I'm not an MSCE, so I can't advise on re-installation of COM+, but I don't think that it is possible to install COM+.

I also think my problem is related to permissions and SemperFiDownUnda's suggestion of re-installing xp pro over the existing xp is probably the answer, but I have not tried that yet.

I've got to find an answer soon cause none of my scheduled backups are working.

I'll keep you posted if I find something that works, and would appreciate it if you would do the same.


I felt compelled to post. After all, these postings on other websites have helped me out so much.

I think fixed it. It's the GOD DAMN COM+ System Application service. It was turned off. Turn that back on and your comp will be okay.

But get a firewall or something because it does try to access the internet.

Good luck you all! And keep posting please!

Please also let anyone know if a post helps!
BTW, I got this error before in the event viewer in Windows XP:

Event 4689:

The run-time environment has detected an inconsistency in its internal state. This indicates a potential instability in the process that could be caused by the custom components running in the COM+ application, the components they make use of, or other factors. Error in d:\nt\com\com1x\src\comsvcs\package\cpackage.cpp(1181), hr = 80070422: InitEventCollector failed

Yes, COM+ System Application service is turned off, but when I try to start service, it works for a few seconds and then stops again. How come of all sudden so many people are having similar problem. I didn't find any other place where this problem is mentioned (described)?
hi guys,

sorry its taken a while to reply...

I have not done anything with IIS at this stage and left it uninstalled on my local machine....

Are any of you running Service Pack 2 Beta or installed Whidbey Alphas?

New user with first time post. I think SemperFiDownUnda might be able to help me. I've spent most of my morning trying to resolve my issue with IIS 5.1 on XP.

I am a CF developer and after having installed the "latest windows XP update", I was no longer able to execute .asp or .cfm pages.

The error I receive is:
Server Application Error

The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.

The MS article I believed would solve my issue is found at

I was able to reset my IUSR and IWAN passwords in Windows Users Groups and in the IIS 5.1 Metabase. I attempted to sync it up for component services, but failed.

When I attempt the cmd prompt method of running synciwam.vbs -v, I get Error: 1AD: ActiveX component can't create object

My event log entries refer to server instances where "The COM+ System Application service terminated unexpectedly". And when I try to use Admin Tools|Component Services and drill down into MY Computer, the program crashes.

I'm thinking I need to somehow reinstall COM+, but have no clue how. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling IIS 5.1 twice.

Thanks in advance,
Bobay brianbobay@yahoo.com
Hi All,

Finally after weeks of on and off attempts at trying to get COM+ running again on my XP pro box - it works. Given how annoying its been I'd figure I'd post some of the tips I found in hopes someone else could benefit. I have Visual Studio 2003 installed and I believe there's a dll conflict with one of the hotfixes and VS/ASP.NET 1.1.

Check out for tips on reinstalling COM+. I didn't bother deleting the registration directory. Now I got the same error as WiseNewbie while reinstalling. To fix that I re-registered ole32.dll and oleaut32.dll and reinstalled COM+ again. The second attempt worked.

Hope that helps and I'm sure you mileage will vary and do export the registery items for a backup before you delete them - just in case...

Did anybody elses COM+ errors start after installing ICQ2003b?
Thanks a lot to all of you.
I had WiseNewbie problem and i went out of it reregistering ole32.dll and oleaut32.dll before reinstalling COM+ using tips.
COM+ works again and so do IIS.
I don't know if there is a relationship between COM+ problem and ICQ2003b but i have it installed in my ill pc... May it be an exception?
However you really saved my ass...
Thanks kht1 and everyone else who contributed to this fix. Microsoft KB article 315296 at describes how to reinstall COM+ and it's almost identical to the instructions at jsiinc.com. Unfortunately neither articles mentions the need to re-register ole32.dll and oleaut32.dll.

Great tip
Hmm, I had all the above mentioned problem/symptoms, just about. I proceeded to reinstall COM+ and this is what I got:

Sub-component COM+ raised an exception while processing the OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION setup message.

d:\nt\com\com1x\src\complussetup\comsetup\csetuputil.cpp (line 3406)

Error Code = 0x8007007f

The specified procedure could not be found.

Failed to load the library 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\comuid.dll'.

tried to get that file from other machines and reinstall COM+ same error, now my SQL Sever Enterprise Manager and System Restore has stoped work as well.

I might try reinstall XP next. No offense, but I would say be wery wery wary of re-install COM+ as above posts pointed out, well it worked for some people, it only made my problem much worse.
Don't know how to edit my last post, so here is the update:

Reinstalled XP via the Repair Option (pop cd in, select install, not the repair console, at next screen asked about repair or new install, picked repair)

40 minutes later, XP repaired/reinstalled, everything worked like a charm.

Not sexy as reinstalling your own COM+, but then again, it worked and I didn't have to risk to shot myself in the foot, again.

Thanks for the postings though, good reading...
I am having a nightmare with this same COM+ type problem! I have tried reinstalling IIS and COM+ Both and I am still getting the same message when I try to start the COM+ System Application :
"Could Not Start COM+ System Application service on Local Computer"
Error 5 : Access is Denied

In the event viewer the application error is
The run-time environment has detected an inconsistency in its internal state. This indicates a potential instability in the process that could be caused by the custom components running in the COM+ application, the components they make use of, or other factors. Error in d:\nt\com\com1x\src\comsvcs\package\cpackage.cpp(1181), hr = 80070005: InitEventCollector failed

The System error is

DCOM got error "Access is denied. " attempting to start the service COMSysApp with arguments "" in order to run the server:

It was working fine for a few days and now the web server will serve up html files but as soon as I try to hit an asp file it takes a dump.
I had this problem after uninstalling ICQ2004b (which incidently embeds itself into the OS like AOL does, whats even more ironic is the fact AOL make ICQ too) and the ONLY way I could fix it was by reinstalling Windows (keeping the data).

I tried reinstalling the COM library and undertook the registry and ini file changes but with no luck. After reinstalling Windows the computer is now fine, but I have relegated ICQ to the sin bin forever.

Hope this helps you guys.

Thanks for all the solution suggested above. I got all errors described above including the one majrtom received, Failed to load the library 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\comuid.dll'. Before I tried to run the reapair of windows xp, I successfully fixed it with the following additional steps. Thanks for all helps here and my coworker's help.

Additional Steps:
1. Replace system32\comuid.dll and system32\comsvcs.dll. I downloaded it from this link (
2. Add the COM+ again by following the article kht1 provided (
3. Reinstall IIS from Add/ Remove Windows Component

That's it. If any of my description here is uncleared, please feel free to ask.

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