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regular expressions help - re-writing Coldfusion Code to ASP

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Nov 20, 2003
I'm really hoping someone could help me. I am a ColdFusion coder and can code in ASP (not that much). I'm trying to re-write some CF code in ASP, and am stuck.

I have a regular expression that does a patter matching that I would to re-write in ASP

To give you a brief history, I'm working on a job logging system. The customer calls the helps desk to log a job, the help desk creates a new job, adds the comments to the log. The comment is wrapped around a userdefined tag in this format and saved in the database. ex:

<newLog username='cfcoder'><span class='timestamp'>cfcoder |
20/10/2004 16:34:12</span><br>new test comments<hr></newLog>

as you may have noticed, the comment (in this case: "new test comments") is wrapped around the userdefined tag <newlog>

The customer front-end is written in ASP. Currently if a customer views this job it displays the <newlog> tag and I want to add some asp, do some pattern matching to only display the comment. I would really appreciate if someone could show me how to re-write my code in ASP. I have attached my coldfusion code


function GetHeaders(header){
	// regexp for timestamp
	var timestampRegexp = "\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{4}\s+\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}";
	var stTmp = StructNew();
	var stReturn = StructNew();
	// remove *** if necessary
	header = REReplace(header,"(^\s*[*]{3}\s*|\s*[*]{3}\s*$)","","all");
	// find timestamp
	stTmp = REFind(timestampRegexp,header,1,true);
		// if there is a timestamp, the user is everything in the header but the timestamp
		// a header looks like this: CFCODER01 | 14/11/2003 14:18:56
		// get the list of all usernames from the header for the log (one or more)
		stReturn.user = Trim(Removechars(header,stTmp.pos[1],stTmp.len[1]));
		// get the timestamp
		// get the list of all timestamps from the header for the log (one or more)
		stReturn.timestamp = REReplace(Mid(header,stTmp.pos[1],stTmp.len[1]),"\s+"," ");
		// if there is NO timestamp, the user is everything in the
		stReturn.user = Trim(header);
		// create a fake timestamp for normalization
		stReturn.timestamp = "00/00/0000 00:00:00";
	// remove trailing pipe from user if necessary
	stReturn.user = REReplace(stReturn.user,"\s*\|$","");
	// remove log tags
	stReturn.user = REReplaceNoCase(stReturn.user,"</?(new|legacy)Log\b.*?>","","all");
	// determine log type
	stReturn.log = "legacyLog";
	if(FindNoCase("<newLog",header)) stReturn.log = "newLog";
	return stReturn;
function FormatComment(stComment){
	var oldchars = "<,>,""";
	var newchars = "&lt;,&gt;,&quot;";
	return '<#stComment.log# userName="#stComment.user#"><span class="timestamp">#stComment.user# | #stComment.timestamp#</span><br>	<pre style="font-family:Arial, Verdana;">#ReplaceList(stComment.text,oldchars,newchars)#</pre><hr></#stComment.log#>';
function GetComments(str){
	var start = 1;
	var cnt = 0;
	var i = 0;
	var stComments = StructNew();
	var bComments = true;
	var stTmp = StructNew();
	/* regular expression for header: line surrounded with *** OR line ending with
	(?m) multi-line mode - matches before and after newlines
	(^ start of line instead of start of string)
	($ end of line instead of end of string) 
	^		start of line
	[ \t]*	any number of spaces or tabs
	(		start group (for OR)
	[*]{3}	three stars
	[^\n]*?	Any characters except new line any number of times 
			(non greedy operator *?) 
	[*]{3}	three stars
	|		OR
	[^\n]*?	Any characters except new line any number of times
	\d{1,2}	1-2 digits
	/		/
	\d{1,2}	1-2 digits
	/		/
	\d{4}		4 digits
	[ \t]+	one or more spaces or tabs
	\d{1,2}	1-2 digits
	:		:
	\d{1,2}	1-2 digits
	:		:
	\d{1,2}	1-2 digits
	)		end group
	[ \t]*	any number of spaces or tabs
	$ end of line */
	var commentRegexp = "(?m)^[ \t]*([*]{3}[^\n]*?[*]{3}|[^\n]*?\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{4}[ \t]+\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2})[ \t]*$";
		Initialize structure
		The structure has 3 keys:
		1. "slug" containing the slug
		2. "comments" is an array of comments. each element in the array is a structure containing 4 keys:
			"user": user from the header
			"timestamp": timestamp from the header
			"text": text of the comment
			"comment": full formatted comment
		3. "formatted": the "comments" field with formatted headers
	stComments.comments = ArrayNew(1);
	stComments.slug = "";
	// normalize returns to newline character (chr(10))
	str = REReplace(str,"\r(\n)","\1","all");
	// first get rid of redundant tags
	str = REReplaceNoCase(str,"</?(span|pre|hr)\b.*?>","","all");
	// convert <br> to newline
	str = REReplaceNoCase(str,"<br\b.*?>",Chr(10),"all");
	// find first header
	stTmp = REFind(commentRegexp,str,start,true);
		// if there is a header, the slug is everything untill that header
		if(stTmp.pos[1] GT 1) stComments.slug = Trim(Left(str,stTmp.pos[1]-1));
		// insert the first header into the array
		ArrayAppend(stComments.comments, GetHeaders(Mid(str,stTmp.pos[1],stTmp.len[1])));
		// next start position
		start = stTmp.pos[1]+stTmp.len[1];
		// if there are no comments, everything is the slug
		stComments.slug = Trim(str);
		bComments = false;
	// get comments if any
		// find next header
		stTmp = REFind(commentRegexp,str,start,true);
		// get index of last comment added to array
		i = ArrayLen(stComments.comments);
			// there is a next header
			// get number of characters for last comment
			cnt = stTmp.pos[1]-start;
			// extract last comment text (and get rid of double linefeeds and log tags)
			stComments.comments[i].text = REReplace(Trim(Mid(str,start,cnt)),"(\n)\n+","\1","all");
			stComments.comments[i].text = REReplaceNoCase(stComments.comments[i].text,"</?(new|legacy)Log\b.*?>","","all");
			// construct entire comment
			stComments.comments[i].comment = FormatComment(stComments.comments[i]);
			// Get next header
			ArrayAppend(stComments.comments, GetHeaders(Mid(str,stTmp.pos[1],stTmp.len[1])));
			// next starting position
			start = stTmp.pos[1]+stTmp.len[1];
			// there is no next header
			// get number of characters for last comment (untill end of string)
			cnt = Len(str)-start+1;
			// extract last comment text (and get rid of double linefeeds)
			stComments.comments[i].text = REReplace(Trim(Mid(str,start,cnt)),"(\n)\n+","\1","all");
			stComments.comments[i].text = REReplaceNoCase(stComments.comments[i].text,"</?(new|legacy)Log\b.*?>","","all");
			// construct entire comment
			stComments.comments[i].comment = FormatComment(stComments.comments[i]);
	// rebuild the entire formatted comment field
	// start with the slug
	stComments.formatted = stComments.slug;
	// loop over formatted comments
	for(i=1;i LE ArrayLen(stComments.comments);i=i+1){
		// add a double newline if there is already something in the comment field
		if(Len(stComments.formatted)) stComments.formatted = stComments.formatted & chr(10) & chr(10);
		// add the formatted comment
		stComments.formatted = stComments.formatted & stComments.comments[i].comment;
	return stComments;
function GetCommentsNew(str){
	var start = 1;
	var cnt = 0;
	var i = 0;
	var stComments = StructNew();
	var bComments = true;
	var stTmp = StructNew();
	// regular expression for header: line surrounded with *** OR line ending with
	var commentRegexp = "<(newLog|legacyLog)\b[^>]*>(.*?)</\1>";
		Initialize structure
		The structure has 3 keys:
		1. "slug" containing the slug
		2. "comments" is an array of comments. each element in the array is a structure containing 4 keys:
			"user": empty
			"timestamp": empty
			"text": empty
			"comment": full formatted comment
		3. "formatted": the "comments" field with formatted headers
	stComments.comments = ArrayNew(1);
	stComments.slug = "";
	// normalize returns to newline character (chr(10))
	str = REReplace(str,"\r(\n)","\1","all");
	// find first comment
	stTmp = REFind("<(newLog|legacyLog)\b",str,start,true);
		// if there is a comment, the slug is everything untill that comment
		if(stTmp.pos[1] GT 1) stComments.slug = Trim(Left(str,stTmp.pos[1]-1));
		// if there are no comments, everything is the slug
		stComments.slug = Trim(str);
		bComments = false;
	// get comments if any
		// find comment
		stTmp = REFind(commentRegexp,str,start,true);
			// get index of comment to add
			i = ArrayLen(stComments.comments) + 1;
			stComments.comments[i] = StructNew();
			stComments.comments[i].user = "";
			stComments.comments[i].timestamp = "";
			stComments.comments[i].text = "";
			stComments.comments[i].comment = Mid(str,stTmp.pos[1],stTmp.len[1]);
			// next starting position
			start = stTmp.pos[1]+stTmp.len[1];
			// there is no next comment
	// rebuild the entire formatted comment field
	// start with the slug
	stComments.formatted = stComments.slug;
	// loop over formatted comments
	for(i=1;i LE ArrayLen(stComments.comments);i=i+1){
		// add a double newline if there is already something in the comment field
		if(Len(stComments.formatted)) stComments.formatted = stComments.formatted & chr(10) & chr(10);
		// add the formatted comment
		stComments.formatted = stComments.formatted & stComments.comments[i].comment;
	return stComments;
function GetCommentsWrapper(txt){
		return GetCommentsNew(txt);
	else return GetComments(txt);
<cfset stComments = GetCommentsWrapper("<newLog username='cfcoder'><span class='timestamp'>cfcoder | 20/10/2004 16:34:12</span><br>new test comments<hr></newLog>")>
<cfset nLog = ArrayLen(stComments.comments)>

<cfif nLog>
		<cfloop from='1' to='#ArrayLen(stComments.comments)#' index='i'>


I look forward to hearing from someone

Best regards
function GetHeaders(header){
    // regexp for timestamp
    var timestampRegexp = "\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{4}\s+\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}";
    var stTmp = StructNew();
    var stReturn = StructNew();
    // remove *** if necessary
    header = REReplace(header,"(^\s*[*]{3}\s*|\s*[*]{3}\s*$)","","all");
    // find timestamp
    stTmp = REFind(timestampRegexp,header,1,true);
        // if there is a timestamp, the user is everything in the header but the timestamp
        // a header looks like this: CFCODER01 | 14/11/2003 14:18:56
        // get the list of all usernames from the header for the log (one or more)
        stReturn.user = Trim(Removechars(header,stTmp.pos[1],stTmp.len[1]));
        // get the timestamp
        // get the list of all timestamps from the header for the log (one or more)
        stReturn.timestamp = REReplace(Mid(header,stTmp.pos[1],stTmp.len[1]),"\s+"," ");
        // if there is NO timestamp, the user is everything in the
        stReturn.user = Trim(header);
        // create a fake timestamp for normalization
        stReturn.timestamp = "00/00/0000 00:00:00";
    // remove trailing pipe from user if necessary
    stReturn.user = REReplace(stReturn.user,"\s*\|$","");
    // remove log tags
    stReturn.user = REReplaceNoCase(stReturn.user,"</?(new|legacy)Log\b.*?>","","all");
    // determine log type
    stReturn.log = "legacyLog";
    if(FindNoCase("<newLog",header)) stReturn.log = "newLog";
    return stReturn;
function FormatComment(stComment){
    var oldchars = "<,>,""";
    var newchars = "&lt;,&gt;,&quot;";
    return '<#stComment.log# userName="#stComment.user#"><span class="timestamp">#stComment.user# | #stComment.timestamp#</span><br>    <pre style="font-family:Arial, Verdana;">#ReplaceList(stComment.text,oldchars,newchars)#</pre><hr></#stComment.log#>';
function GetComments(str){
    var start = 1;
    var cnt = 0;
    var i = 0;
    var stComments = StructNew();
    var bComments = true;
    var stTmp = StructNew();
    /* regular expression for header: line surrounded with *** OR line ending with
    (?m) multi-line mode - matches before and after newlines
    (^ start of line instead of start of string)
    ($ end of line instead of end of string) 
    ^        start of line
    [ \t]*    any number of spaces or tabs
    (        start group (for OR)
    [*]{3}    three stars
    [^\n]*?    Any characters except new line any number of times 
            (non greedy operator *?) 
    [*]{3}    three stars
    |        OR
    [^\n]*?    Any characters except new line any number of times
    \d{1,2}    1-2 digits
    /        /
    \d{1,2}    1-2 digits
    /        /
    \d{4}        4 digits
    [ \t]+    one or more spaces or tabs
    \d{1,2}    1-2 digits
    :        :
    \d{1,2}    1-2 digits
    :        :
    \d{1,2}    1-2 digits
    )        end group
    [ \t]*    any number of spaces or tabs
    $ end of line */
    var commentRegexp = "(?m)^[ \t]*([*]{3}[^\n]*?[*]{3}|[^\n]*?\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{4}[ \t]+\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2})[ \t]*$";
        Initialize structure
        The structure has 3 keys:
        1. "slug" containing the slug
        2. "comments" is an array of comments. each element in the array is a structure containing 4 keys:
            "user": user from the header
            "timestamp": timestamp from the header
            "text": text of the comment
            "comment": full formatted comment
        3. "formatted": the "comments" field with formatted headers
    stComments.comments = ArrayNew(1);
    stComments.slug = "";
    // normalize returns to newline character (chr(10))
    str = REReplace(str,"\r(\n)","\1","all");
    // first get rid of redundant tags
    str = REReplaceNoCase(str,"</?(span|pre|hr)\b.*?>","","all");
    // convert <br> to newline
    str = REReplaceNoCase(str,"<br\b.*?>",Chr(10),"all");
    // find first header
    stTmp = REFind(commentRegexp,str,start,true);
        // if there is a header, the slug is everything untill that header
        if(stTmp.pos[1] GT 1) stComments.slug = Trim(Left(str,stTmp.pos[1]-1));
        // insert the first header into the array
        ArrayAppend(stComments.comments, GetHeaders(Mid(str,stTmp.pos[1],stTmp.len[1])));
        // next start position
        start = stTmp.pos[1]+stTmp.len[1];
        // if there are no comments, everything is the slug
        stComments.slug = Trim(str);
        bComments = false;
    // get comments if any
        // find next header
        stTmp = REFind(commentRegexp,str,start,true);
        // get index of last comment added to array
        i = ArrayLen(stComments.comments);
            // there is a next header
            // get number of characters for last comment
            cnt = stTmp.pos[1]-start;
            // extract last comment text (and get rid of double linefeeds and log tags)
            stComments.comments[i].text = REReplace(Trim(Mid(str,start,cnt)),"(\n)\n+","\1","all");
            stComments.comments[i].text = REReplaceNoCase(stComments.comments[i].text,"</?(new|legacy)Log\b.*?>","","all");
            // construct entire comment
            stComments.comments[i].comment = FormatComment(stComments.comments[i]);
            // Get next header
            ArrayAppend(stComments.comments, GetHeaders(Mid(str,stTmp.pos[1],stTmp.len[1])));
            // next starting position
            start = stTmp.pos[1]+stTmp.len[1];
            // there is no next header
            // get number of characters for last comment (untill end of string)
            cnt = Len(str)-start+1;
            // extract last comment text (and get rid of double linefeeds)
            stComments.comments[i].text = REReplace(Trim(Mid(str,start,cnt)),"(\n)\n+","\1","all");
            stComments.comments[i].text = REReplaceNoCase(stComments.comments[i].text,"</?(new|legacy)Log\b.*?>","","all");
            // construct entire comment
            stComments.comments[i].comment = FormatComment(stComments.comments[i]);
    // rebuild the entire formatted comment field
    // start with the slug
    stComments.formatted = stComments.slug;
    // loop over formatted comments
    for(i=1;i LE ArrayLen(stComments.comments);i=i+1){
        // add a double newline if there is already something in the comment field
        if(Len(stComments.formatted)) stComments.formatted = stComments.formatted & chr(10) & chr(10);
        // add the formatted comment
        stComments.formatted = stComments.formatted & stComments.comments[i].comment;
    return stComments;
function GetCommentsNew(str){
    var start = 1;
    var cnt = 0;
    var i = 0;
    var stComments = StructNew();
    var bComments = true;
    var stTmp = StructNew();
    // regular expression for header: line surrounded with *** OR line ending with
    var commentRegexp = "<(newLog|legacyLog)\b[^>]*>(.*?)</\1>";
        Initialize structure
        The structure has 3 keys:
        1. "slug" containing the slug
        2. "comments" is an array of comments. each element in the array is a structure containing 4 keys:
            "user": empty
            "timestamp": empty
            "text": empty
            "comment": full formatted comment
        3. "formatted": the "comments" field with formatted headers
    stComments.comments = ArrayNew(1);
    stComments.slug = "";
    // normalize returns to newline character (chr(10))
    str = REReplace(str,"\r(\n)","\1","all");
    // find first comment
    stTmp = REFind("<(newLog|legacyLog)\b",str,start,true);
        // if there is a comment, the slug is everything untill that comment
        if(stTmp.pos[1] GT 1) stComments.slug = Trim(Left(str,stTmp.pos[1]-1));
        // if there are no comments, everything is the slug
        stComments.slug = Trim(str);
        bComments = false;
    // get comments if any
        // find comment
        stTmp = REFind(commentRegexp,str,start,true);
            // get index of comment to add
            i = ArrayLen(stComments.comments) + 1;
            stComments.comments[i] = StructNew();
            stComments.comments[i].user = "";
            stComments.comments[i].timestamp = "";
            stComments.comments[i].text = "";
            stComments.comments[i].comment = Mid(str,stTmp.pos[1],stTmp.len[1]);
            // next starting position
            start = stTmp.pos[1]+stTmp.len[1];
            // there is no next comment
    // rebuild the entire formatted comment field
    // start with the slug
    stComments.formatted = stComments.slug;
    // loop over formatted comments
    for(i=1;i LE ArrayLen(stComments.comments);i=i+1){
        // add a double newline if there is already something in the comment field
        if(Len(stComments.formatted)) stComments.formatted = stComments.formatted & chr(10) & chr(10);
        // add the formatted comment
        stComments.formatted = stComments.formatted & stComments.comments[i].comment;
    return stComments;
function GetCommentsWrapper(txt){
        return GetCommentsNew(txt);
    else return GetComments(txt);
<cfset stComments = GetCommentsWrapper("<newLog username='cfcoder'><span class='timestamp'>cfcoder | 20/10/2004 16:34:12</span><br>new test comments<hr></newLog>")>
<cfset nLog = ArrayLen(stComments.comments)>

<cfif nLog>
        <cfloop from='1' to='#ArrayLen(stComments.comments)#' index='i'>
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