Hi all,
i'm a bit of a learner when it comes to reg exps, so a little help would be appreciated..
I have a string : the,cat,sat,"on,the",mat
And I wish to remove all commas between the double quote, then remove the double quote, ending up with:
the,cat,sat,on the,mat
heres what I have so far, but doesn't seem to change anything:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
strIn = "the,cat,sat,""on,the"",mat,"
Set objRE = New RegExp
With objRE
.Global = True
.Pattern = "("" )(\w+)(,)(\w+)("" )"
strOut = .Replace(strIn, "$2 $4" )
End With
Set objRE = Nothing
Response.Write strIn & " => " & strOut
thanks in advance,
i'm a bit of a learner when it comes to reg exps, so a little help would be appreciated..
I have a string : the,cat,sat,"on,the",mat
And I wish to remove all commas between the double quote, then remove the double quote, ending up with:
the,cat,sat,on the,mat
heres what I have so far, but doesn't seem to change anything:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
strIn = "the,cat,sat,""on,the"",mat,"
Set objRE = New RegExp
With objRE
.Global = True
.Pattern = "("" )(\w+)(,)(\w+)("" )"
strOut = .Replace(strIn, "$2 $4" )
End With
Set objRE = Nothing
Response.Write strIn & " => " & strOut
thanks in advance,