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Refreshing a table populated user contol combo box after addnew

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May 29, 2001

I have a combo box that I designed in a user control. The combo box is populated with a bunch of customers from a table called Customer during user control initiation (startup).

The customer adds data to the customer table via data entry on a "Add New Customer" Form.

The Question: When the user closes the "Add New Customer" form, how can I add the new name to the populated combo box on the main menu? I have tried to simply unload and then reload the main form, which does re-populate the combo, but turns the mouse pointer to a functioning hour glass.

Any advice would be appreciated. I know it is something ridilously easy that I am simply oversighting...

How do you populate the combo box in the first place?

Delete the items in the box and re populate it.

Merry Xmas!
Is the ComboBox bound to a datasource. If so try to refresh the datasource.

The combo box is populated at run time (which also initializes the user control combo box).

The code to populate the combo is such:

Public Sub AddItem(Item As String)
If Item = "" Then Exit Sub
Combo1.AddItem UCase(Item)

If ItemsArray(0) = "" Then
ItemsArray(0) = Item
ReDim Preserve ItemsArray(UBound(ItemsArray) + 1) As String
ItemsArray(UBound(ItemsArray)) = Item
End If
End Sub

Public Sub AddItems(ParamArray Items() As Variant)
Dim iCtr As Integer

Dim strSQLCustomer As String

strSQLCustomer = "SELECT Customer.CustomerID, Customer.FirstName, Customer.LastName, Customer.StreetAddress, Customer.City, Customer.PostalCode, Customer.PhoneHome, Customer.PhoneBusiness, Customer.ContractAuthorization, TanType.Description " & _
"FROM TanType INNER JOIN Customer ON TanType.TanTypeID=Customer.TanTypeIDFK " & _
"ORDER BY Customer.LastName;"

datCustomer.DatabaseName = App.Path & "\supertanDb.mdb"
datCustomer.RecordSource = strSQLCustomer

On Error Resume Next
Dim intCounter As Integer
intCounter = 0

With datCustomer

Do Until .Recordset.EOF
If .Recordset(&quot;LastName&quot;) <> &quot;&quot; Then

AddItem CStr(.Recordset(&quot;LastName&quot;) & &quot;, &quot; & .Recordset(&quot;FirstName&quot;))
Combo1.ItemData(intCounter) = .Recordset(&quot;CustomerID&quot;)
intCounter = intCounter + 1
End If
End With
End Sub

The AddItems function is called upon user control initialization. Could it be that- the add new form is using seperate data control bound to the same table as that of the main menu?

Thanks for your help...
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