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Reference Control using variable

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Feb 20, 2002
I was wondering how to reference and update control on a form from a module without explicitly knowning the control name. For example, if I have a bunch of controls:
How could I loop through them to set their values using a for/next loop? This obviously does not work:
Dim i as Integer
For i = 1 to 50
("Forms!myForm!Control" & i) = "MyValue"

I don't want to be forced to set each control:
Dim ctlMyControl as Control
Set ctlMyControl = Forms!myForm!Control1 ... etc.

I though of using the Eval() function...that returns the value but not the control reference. Any other ideas?

Thanks - Brian
When you referece a control by name you actually reference a variable, create by VB, which contains a reference to the control.
Controls "collection" (not a VB Collection) starts at 0.
Dim ctl as Control
For I = 0 To Me.Controls.Count - 1
Set ctl = Me.Controls(I)
Debug.print ctl.Name
For Each ctl in Me.Controls
Debug.print ctl.Name
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The easiest way I can explain is to use control arrays on your form. You could then use the following:

Public Sub UpdateForm(frm As Form)
Dim lbl As Label
Dim cmd As CommandButton

For Each lbl In frm.lblSeat
lbl.Caption = ""
For Each cmd In frm.cmdSeat
cmd.Visible = False
End Sub

Hope This helps Anything is possible, the problem is I only have one lifetime.
I do not remember where I found this code so I can not give credit for it. this routine will load the current tab

SetTags Me, m_TabName

Sub SetTags(strFrmName As Form, strTabName As String)
' Comments : This will set the tags on the current form with the data that is loaded
' : Note not every control supports the tag so just ignore the error
' Parameters : strFrmName - strTabName
' Returns : - NA
' Created : 2/1/99
' Modified :
' --------------------------------------------------------
On Error GoTo SetTags_Err
Dim f As Form
Dim tbc As Control
Dim pge As Page
Dim ctl As Control
Dim ctlTbc As Control
Set f = strFrmName
Set ctlTbc = f!TabCtl 'tbc contains the value of the current tab index
' Return reference to currently selected page.
Set pge = ctlTbc.Pages(ctlTbc.Value)
' Enumerate controls on currently selected page.
For Each ctlTbc In pge.Controls
ctlTbc.Tag = ctlTbc.Value
Next ctlTbc
Set pge = Nothing

Exit Sub
Resume Next
End Sub
Thanks for the tips...I think I've got it.
I belieive I can use the following syntax to get the results I need using the (Controls) array:

Dim i as Integer
For i = 1 to 50
Forms!MyForms.Controls("Control" & i) = "MyValue"
Next i
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