Okay i've got this code in the web.config below.
My issue is for this testpage.aspx if the user isnt either user 1 or user 2, then i'd like to redirect them to another page BUT i already have this code below for a redirect to the login page but i don't want them to refer back to the login page for this specific testpage.aspx
Rather than setting up a role, could i just create an If statement on the testpage.aspx and if so would it be something like this.. I would appreciate any help.
<location path="testpage.aspx">
<allow users="user2, user1"/>
<deny users="*"/>
My issue is for this testpage.aspx if the user isnt either user 1 or user 2, then i'd like to redirect them to another page BUT i already have this code below for a redirect to the login page but i don't want them to refer back to the login page for this specific testpage.aspx
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="login.aspx"/>
Rather than setting up a role, could i just create an If statement on the testpage.aspx and if so would it be something like this.. I would appreciate any help.
If request.LogonUserIdentity.....
End If