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Redirect incoming calls to an external number 1

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Nov 30, 2011
First, please forgive me in advance. I am not a telephony engineer, nor do I know much about PBX's so if my terminology or descriptions leave anything to be desired, I am sorry!

I've searched through your forums and have tried to muddle my way through online resources but I am still stuck so I hope that I might be able to find someone here to rescue me!

*The History*

We are a small independant company and have been running the same PBX system since before my tenure. 6 months ago, our IT guy left after a 'disagreement' with management and took all documentation and 'cheat sheets' with him in a fit of rage.

I was not here when the system was setup, and due to the system's age - we can't seem to get an engineer to touch it, instead all they want to do is sell us a new system.

We are running a Norstar Modular 8x24DS KSU Phone System based on description of the system, and the photo on this site
*The problem*

We have recently been bought out by a bigger company who already have a PBX system in place and it is incapibatible with ours. They've already expressed that they will not pay to have our phone number changed or re-routed, their only choices given to us is to leave our current system running and put a voicemail service on saying that our number has changed or disconnect entirely.

Being an 'end user' of other services, the first option isn't ideal as I know when I phone a company and they have changed contact details but don't re-route, instead tell you the new number I automatically get irritated. The second option is not viable in the least as our number has been the same for over 10 years and that is a lot of contacts who'd lose the ability to call us.

What I would like to do is to setup a 'forward' so that when someone rings our number, instead of it going to the voicemail solution they're suggesting, I would like it to forward to their own system and they can re-route to our new extensions over the new system.

From what I have been told before the IT guy left is we have one 'main' number servicing a 4-channel ISDN coming in to the building. An incoming call will first ring the receptionist phone, if a second call comes in whilst the receptionist is on a call, the second call falls over to another extension. If both extensions are on an active call - anyone else calling in will just ring out until one of the other two extensions terminate their active call.

*What I would like to do*

I would like to have the ability to 'forward' the two extensions so that any incoming call that normally would have come through our 'old' system, will now bounce to the new company's switchboard to be handled appropriately thereafter.

In an ideal world, I'd be able to change this from the Norstar system itself so that all 4 channels immediately forward to the new external number - but without being an engineer and my 'techy' abilities can see through a computer rebuild or making a website, I fear my telephony expertise would be found wanting to make this happen. So, my 'work around' would be to activate call forwarding on the two extensions that currently handle incoming calls to the 'old number' to automatically forward to 'new number'.

*the Plea*
Can this be done? Can someone put me out of my misery and handhold me through setting this up if possible? I'd offer my first born for the help, but as much as I like my job - I don't think my wife would appreciate giving up our child for the sake of work's phone issues! :)

Thank you in advance if anyone can help, and please accept my apologies again if I sullied your brilliant forums with my rather inept description and attempt at solving a problem!

I don't have a "lines" under config... A few posts up is a map of the headings.. Does that mean I'm logging into the system with the wrong credentials and if so, what should I be logging in as?
You do...according to your own post #1 Line Data:
Under Configuration I have:
1. Line Data
2. Line Access
3. Routing Table
4. Call Handling
5. Miscellaneous
6. Radio Data
7. System Data

Oh, ok.. other posts have said "Lines" and I didn't have "Lines" and since I'm crap at this type of programming, and it seems to be quite old software - I feared the worse! :)

I am popping into work in about an hour - I shall let you know how I get on!

Thanks again, fingers crossed! :)
Ok, at work...
Disconnect Supervision or DS is adjusted in

-show/next- (running from memory)
then scroll to Supervised Y/N
Here I have:
1. Line Data which has in it:
- LCs on CCU Show > LC1 on CCU:Loop
Show Line - putting in 001 I now have External handling Show gives me
Mode: LoopUnguard
Recall: Timed brk
Dial Mode: Tone
Recall at Exch:N
Dial Tone: Detect
Full AutoHold:N
Then bounces me to Internal Handling > SHOW gives me:
Line type:poolA
Line grp:None
Prime extn:None
Aux. Ringer:N

Then cycles back to beginning.

2. Line Access has:
Show extn#: (put in 221)
- Line assignment
> L001 - L006 are set to Appear&Ring
- ILG Assignment
> show "Show ILG:" scan = None Assigned
- Answer extns
> Show extn#: scan = None Assigned
- Line Pool Access
> Line pool A-D set to Y / rest set to N
- Intercom keys: 2
- Prime line: Intcm
- OLI #: 221


3. Routing Table
4. Call Handling - Show
- EX-EX Tfr/Conf:Y
- Held reminder:Y
- Remind delay: 60
- DRT to prime: N
- Netwok callbk:30
- Trnsfr callbk:4
- Park prefix:3
- Park timeout:60
- Camp timeout:60
- Directd pickup:Y
- Conference tone:Y
- Oh hold: Tones

5. Miscellanous
And so on - under no heading I have seen to date has any mention of supervision anything... :(

Have you allowed Redirect on the extention?

B. Capabilities
- set abilities
- show
- enter set ext no.
- scroll down @14 nexts
- redirect = Yes

Following this, my memory served me well...

@14 nexts - I have REDIRECT RING:Y - Which is the setting I found when I finally learnt I could log into the system via my phone - I didn't change this.
Is this what you are asking for Curly?

Under Maintenance > System Version

it says

SP: 30HjD04 DR6

8X32 UK version.

Firebird might want to add this to UK SP codes list in FAQ's.

He maybe able to assist with this one as you don't have Disconnect Supervision like we do over the pond.

Hello Guys. I've just seen this thread. It would be easier if the heading mentioned that it was a UK Norstar system.

Anyway to sum it up, the earlier and very old Norstars such as the Compact 6+16 and the original 8+24 Modular systems only supported analogue lines. Therefore trunk to trunk connections weren't possible and anyway UK law at that time prevented anyone from doing this!. Also due to a partnership with Nortel, only BT were allowed to be the distributer in the UK until they had a falling out many moons later.

When the Norstar Compact + and Modular 0+32 systems became available, things started to improve, but only when we started to see the use of ISDN digital channels. We use ISDN 30 in the UK and most of Europe etc. The first protocal used was DASS ISDN 30 but nowadays it's usually PRI or Euro ISDN 30.

From looking at your version number, it's using DASS ISDN 30

DASSE DR6 V3.04 SP 30HjD04 Date Feb-96

Only the very last batch of Norstars had PRI Euro ISDN / I421.

Finally, going back to the main question, some of the Norstars with DASS ISDN cards were able to use the line redirection feature that became available when the competition was opened up.

I've put some old PDF manuals up on Genes site at..

Refer to the PSTN-PSTN Barring section.

I think the barring programming could be checked using the guide. It does explain in great detail. I do know that you could use the conference facility with two external calls.

All the best

Firebird Scrambler
Meridian 1 / Succession and BCM / Norstar Programmer in the UK

If it's working, then leave it alone!.
Hello Guys. I've just seen this thread. It would be easier if the heading mentioned that it was a UK Norstar system.
I'm sorry about this - I rather naively thought that the software would be universal, as mentioned before - I'm a computer tech and there is no difference between my UK Photoshop or my US Photoshop and figured telephony software behaved in a similar manner.

Anyway to sum it up, the earlier and very old Norstars such as the Compact 6+16 and the original 8+24 Modular systems only supported analogue lines. Therefore trunk to trunk connections weren't possible and anyway UK law at that time prevented anyone from doing this!. Also due to a partnership with Nortel, only BT were allowed to be the distributer in the UK until they had a falling out many moons later.
This I knew as about 4 years ago, I was tasked with finding an engineer who would come in and reprogram the system and sort out some 'missing' extensions... Everyone I talked to said that the system was BT propriatary and they wouldn't touch it - BT said that the system was too old and they wouldn't touch it unless it was to remove it and put a new system in place. Lovely BT.

From looking at your version number, it's using DASS ISDN 30

DASSE DR6 V3.04 SP 30HjD04 Date Feb-96
This fits in the time line as we inherited the system from the Local Authority when they moved out and we took over the facilities.

Refer to the PSTN-PSTN Barring section.

I think the barring programming could be checked using the guide. It does explain in great detail. I do know that you could use the conference facility with two external calls.

Thank you for this information Firebird... If I'm reading this right, what I want to do - can not be done...

If the user has selected a CO line as the outgoing line and then attempts to redirect another CO line as the incoming line, then a three second transit message appears on the display Redirect Denied when the user presses the incoming line key[/quote] Which is the behaviour I've seen no matter what anyone else has suggested, or what I've tried on my own...

Then, the death knell seems to be:
1.1.2 Rationale for Feature
The PSTN-PSTN barring feature in MUK 1 prevented two CO lines being joined
in any way, such as in a conference, being transferred together, and for being
connected by means of Selective Line Redirection.
This feature was created for regulatory reasons, to prevent users from setting up
conference calls in order to short-cut tariffing. For example, two external parties
could call a location mid-way between them (geographically) to reduce rates. To
prevent this, external conference barring was set on a country-wide basis, as part
of the system startup.
For ENET, British Telecom regulations required that Norstar provide
configuration to either allow or bar PSTN-PSTN connections for transfers and
conferences. This gives additional flexibility for the management of PSTN lines.
It will still be possible to restrict what may be dialed on CO lines.
If the PSTN-PSTN connection is barred, a three party conference cannot include
two lines that are external to Norstar, whether they are PBX or PSTN lines.

I have disabled PSTN barring, however the forward of an external call to another external number is still being denied...

I *HOPE* I am reading this wrong - but it does appear that all of this has been in vain? :(
Well I used to be with BT, but moved onto Meridian 1 when the 0+32 came out. I thought it might have been possible to enable PSTN to PSTN via DASS. Can you forward any extension to an outside e.g. mobile number?. This used to be (and still is!) a major problem on the old kit.

I hardly ever touch these things, but do know one or two customers who could try it out. I'll keep you posted.

All the best

Firebird Scrambler
Meridian 1 / Succession and BCM / Norstar Programmer in the UK

If it's working, then leave it alone!.
If you happen to be in W10 - you're welcome to drop in and play with a bit of history! :)

Thank you all for all your help... I haven't given up hope - but, I have a feeling I've run out of flares! :)
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