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Recursive File Search With VBScript 2

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Jan 5, 2005
I need to search through entire drives, looking for *.fmp files. I need an inventory which includes path and last modified date. I'm going to put all of this into a csv file an import into excel.

My question is, can someone give me a push on how to recursively search for all files with a given extension? Once I find the file, I think I can just pull the other information off by using the FileSystemObject...

Thanks a lot for any help you can give.

-Mark Wetzel
Do a keyword search in this forum for fso recursive

Hope This Helps, PH.
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ222-2244
Something like this... I threw this together out of some old code and it's got a syntax error on line 16... probably something simple but have a look and see if this helps you.
Option Explicit

Dim ObjFSO
Dim ObjStartDrive
Dim ObjFolder
Dim Folder
Dim ObjFile

Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ObjStartDrive = ObjFSO.GetFolder("D:\")

For Each ObjFolder In ObjStartDrive.SubFolders

Function FindFiles(Folder)

Set Folder = ObjFSO.GetFolder(Folder)
For Each ObjFile In Folder.Files
If Instr(1, ObjFile.Name, ".cswlog", 1) Then
Wscript.Echo ObjFile.Path
Wscript.Echo ObjFile.DateCreated
End If

If Folder.SubFolders.Count > 0 Then
For Each Folder In Folder.SubFolders
End If

End Function
try this:

Dim FSO, WSH, objDirectory, objFile, TheFiles

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WSH = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

Set objDirectory = FSO.GetFolder(InputBox("Enter Starting Folder path!"))
Set TheFiles = objDirectory.Files

Parentfolder =  mid(fso.GetFolder(objDirectory),InstrRev(fso.GetFolder(objDirectory),"\",-1,0)+1,len(fso.GetFolder(objDirectory)) - InstrRev(fso.GetFolder(objDirectory),"\",-1,0))
objextension = InputBox("Enter extension" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Ex..." & vbcrlf & "mp3" & vbcrlf & "bmp" & vbcrlf & "exe")

If FSO.FileExists ("FileNames " & Parentfolder & ".txt") then
    FSO.DeleteFile "FileNames " & Parentfolder & ".txt"
End If

Set txtFileName = FSO.CreateTextFile ("FileNames " & Parentfolder & ".txt",TRUE)
Set txtFileName = Nothing
Set txtFileName = FSO.openTextFile("FileNames " & Parentfolder & ".txt", 8)

WorkWithSubFolders objDirectory



Sub WorkWithSubFolders(objDirectory)
	Dim MoreFolders, TempFolder

	ListFilesWithExtension objDirectory
	Set MoreFolders = objDirectory.SubFolders

	For Each TempFolder In MoreFolders
		WorkWithSubFolders TempFolder

End Sub

Sub ListFilesWithExtension(objDirectory)
	Dim TheFiles

	Set TheFiles = objDirectory.Files
	For Each objFile in TheFiles
		strExt = fso.GetExtensionName(objFile.Path)
		If (strExt = objextension) Then
			txtFileName.writeline objFile.Path & vbtab & objFile.Size & vbtab & objFile.DateCreated & vbtab & objFile.DateLastModified
		end if
End Sub


Now that it is in a txt file you can import it into Excel or you could add code to the script and have the script do it for you.
Hey, Thanks a lot everyone!
Your information was very helpful. I think I have the script that will do what I need it to do.
It searches recursively from a defined starting point and puts the output (Filename, Filepath, Last Modified Date) into a CSV.
I appreciate the help

I'm new at this, so it's probably not the most efficient thing in the world, but hey, it works.
Here's what I came up with:
'sets varialbes
Dim objFSO, filecsv, csvname, path, colFiles, colFolders, tmpFile, tmpPath, tmpModDate, oneLine
strFolder = "r:"

'object creation
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strFolder)

'creates the file. sets the path of that file.
Set filecsv = objFSO.CreateTextFile("I:\My Documents\Filemaker Script\FilemakerInventory.csv", True)
path = objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName("I:\My Documents\Filemaker Script\FilemakerInventory.csv")

'gets the name of the csv file
csvname = objFSO.GetFileName(path)

Set colFiles = objFolder.Files

For Each File in colFiles
	set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strFolder & "\" & File.Name)

If lcase(Right(objFile.Name,3)) = "fmp" Then
	tmpFile = objFile.Name
	tmpPath = objFile.Path
	tmpModDate = objFile.DateLastModified
	oneLine = tmpFile & "," & tmpPath & "," & tmpModDate
End If

If lcase(Right(objFile.Name,3)) = "fp3" Then
	tmpFile = objFile.Name
	tmpPath = objFile.Path
	tmpModDate = objFile.DateLastModified
	oneLine = tmpFile & "," & tmpPath & "," & tmpModDate
End If


'search through the directory structure of the drive
Sub ScanSubFolders(objFolder)
	Set colFolders = objFolder.SubFolders
	For Each objSubFolder In colFolders
		Set colFiles = objSubFolder.Files
		For Each objFile in Colfiles
			If lcase(Right(objFile.Name,3)) = "fmp" Then
			 wscript.echo objFile.Name
				tmpFile = objFile.Name
				tmpPath = objFile.Path
				tmpModDate = objFile.DateLastModified
				oneLine = tmpFile & "," & tmpPath & "," & tmpModDate
			End If
			If lcase(Right(objFile.Name,3)) = "fp3" Then
			 wscript.echo objFile.Name
				tmpFile = objFile.Name
				tmpPath = objFile.Path
				tmpModDate = objFile.DateLastModified
				oneLine = tmpFile & "," & tmpPath & "," & tmpModDate
			End If
End Sub

'close the csv file

'output that goes to the command line
If objFSO.FileExists(path) Then
	wscript.echo ("Your file, " & csvname & ", has been created.")
Thanks again!
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Part and Inventory Search

