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Recurring emails in Outlook 1

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Jun 27, 2001
I am having a problem with receiving the same email over and over again every hour in my Inbox. The email is from a hotmail account and attached to the email are .jpeg files. This has been happening now for for about 4 days. This also happened last week with another email from a Yahoo account. Any suggestions?
was it sent by one of your friends????
or just a spam mail.....if you dont want to receive mail from that account again you can block the email address and stop any further mails...
are you using Exchange or are you a home user..?? Jay~

"I have to think of a funny footer to
put in here!!!???"

It was sent by a friend and yes, we are using an Exchange server.
check that the mail isint stuck in exchange, its strange that this problem keeps occuring with two different internet mail accounts, which would leave me to belive that its an exchange prob....altough Ive had this problem b4 with Yahoo.....and there was nothing I could do...

PS...to check Exchange, go to the server, and Start->Programs->Exchange Administrator then go to the protocols for the email and check the queue in there.... Jay~

"I have to think of a funny footer to
put in here!!!???"

I have a similar problem with Home use of Outlook - my ISP downloads duplicate emails fairly frequently, but I can't figure out what the catalyst is for this - just seems to start at random. Only way to clear is opening webmail and cleaning out the server emails. I need to leave a copy on the server to be able to use webmail whenaway from home - any ideas???
May be u have not checked the option of deleting the mails from ther after downloading, that's why u are getting same mails no. of times.

usha sharma
Yes, choosing the optioin to NOT leave messages on server eliminates problem - however, I need to leave msgs on server to be able to use web mail from other locations besides home. Need an explanation of why this process frequently breaks, causing the server to begin downloading duplicate messages after working correctly for some variable period of time.
Thanks, I will try your suggestion of not leaving copies of messages on the server.
I am using Outlook XP. Too many junkies coming...I click on ACTIONS>JUNKIE EMAIL>ADD TO JUNK EMAIL SENDERS LIST to block them. But they are still coming in. aww How can I block them? Help!

Tired of hitting DELETE key every time I get a junkie.

There is nothing that you can do really,
you could create a list of emails that you only want to receive..... Junk emails always come in under different addresses, so if you block one, you nearly always get another mail from the same place with a different address.
Do a search on the web for "Stop junk email" and you will see some sites dedicated to this issue..... Jay~

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