Hi guys!
I got a little project and I almost finished but got a little problem in the end.
I have a main form (NAI_form) and a lot of info on that. The users are use to fill out every field
one by one, but after I reviewed the access databases found out I can help them. There are a couple data what's
the same for every state. So I created a second table, primary key the state...
In the main form there is an Add new record button.
In the main Form I have a subform (NAI_subform) , the recordsource set to NAI in the begining. The NAI is the main table.
The main table NAI and the second table has the same fields.
So what I'm trying to do is when they click on add new record the NAI_subform's recordsource should change from NAI to second table.
I have a combo box (Combo_state) what's connected to a query and depend on what's selected from the combo list will filter the second database.
So sub click on add new record and then select something from the list, the subform will be filled with the right info from the second database
At this point if I set the combobox visible in the beginning and select one of the option from the combolist and then click on add record
the sub form will change it's source and show what I need. The problem is as soon as I hide the combo box so the box after click on add new record
the sub form not going to show anything.
I checked the source of the sub form and that's ok. the combo box shows the options but no more connection with sub form anymore
here's the code:
I got a little project and I almost finished but got a little problem in the end.
I have a main form (NAI_form) and a lot of info on that. The users are use to fill out every field
one by one, but after I reviewed the access databases found out I can help them. There are a couple data what's
the same for every state. So I created a second table, primary key the state...
In the main form there is an Add new record button.
In the main Form I have a subform (NAI_subform) , the recordsource set to NAI in the begining. The NAI is the main table.
The main table NAI and the second table has the same fields.
So what I'm trying to do is when they click on add new record the NAI_subform's recordsource should change from NAI to second table.
I have a combo box (Combo_state) what's connected to a query and depend on what's selected from the combo list will filter the second database.
So sub click on add new record and then select something from the list, the subform will be filled with the right info from the second database
At this point if I set the combobox visible in the beginning and select one of the option from the combolist and then click on add record
the sub form will change it's source and show what I need. The problem is as soon as I hide the combo box so the box after click on add new record
the sub form not going to show anything.
I checked the source of the sub form and that's ok. the combo box shows the options but no more connection with sub form anymore
here's the code:
Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.NewRecord Then
Me.NAI_subform.Form.RecordSource = "State_Record"
Me.Combo_state.Visible = True
Me.Combo_state.Visible = False
Me.NAI_subform.Form.RecordSource = "NAI"
End If
End Sub
End Sub
Private Sub Add_New_Record_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Add_New_Record_Click
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Me.NAI_subform.Form.RecordSource = "State_Record"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Add_New_Record_Click
End Sub
Private Sub Combo_state_AfterUpdate()
If Me.NewRecord Then
Me.NAI_subform.Form.RecordSource = "State_Record"
End If
End Sub