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Recorded announcement informing callers the conversations are taped!

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Technical User
Nov 17, 2000

Need some help from the pros. I have Avaya Definity PBX CMS version GS si V9 and I am a newboe to the world of PBX.

We are in the finace field, and certain departments would like a recorded annoucement notifying the callers that their conversations well be recorded. I already checked with our recording vendor, it it has to be stup on the PBX. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi phoneguy55,

Thanks for the link. I believe the department is aware of such laws, since its already being done in our other offices.
Normally just a 1st announcement in a vector after the time-of-day steps. "Welcome to xyz, please be aware your call may be recorded for quality purposes".

Hi Lopes1211,

Thanks for your reply. I believe a first annoucnement world apply to the whole company. Since not every line is being recorded, we would like to have the message play only for certain extensions.

if they are part of a hunt group, you can play an announcment before handing the call to an agent...

you could also route calls through vdn/vector (easier if you have variables)
Hi Zen216,

I've read about the vdn/vector and would like to do it that way, but do not know how. I'm a newbie to PBX. Can you kindly direct me?

are you using vectors now?

if so, lets say one step was "for accounting press 1)
then is routes to John Doe's extension 1234 (or a hunt group)
well make 1234 a vdn, and John's extension 1235, set V1 to 1235 and make it goto a vector, say 100
vector 100 would have 3 lines
1 wait time 2 secs hearing ringback
2 announcement xxxx
3 route to number V1 with cov n if unconditionally

you could use the same vector for all the different people you wanted to have that announcement,,,

or if John was in a hunt group, you could have mm early answer set to y, and on page 2 enter the extension # of the announcement in the first announcement extension field...


We do not use vector/vdn or call center options. User have direct numbers, not going through any agents.

I still have a heard time understanding the technical aspect you put. It also looks like a single person needs two phone numbers, to John Doe's extension 1234 (or a hunt group)
well make 1234 a vdn, and John's extension 1235? Also, no hunt group.

Your help is appreciated.
are you using DID's to direct extensions then?
if so, then you could manipulate the exensions through incoming call handling treatment..
so lets say 123-555-1234 was john's DID and his extension was 1234
right now you probably don't have anything in incoming-call-handlingtreatment for the trunk group because the did and extension match,,, but you can change that

so if you get 4 digits from the telco (1234) you can set the phone system to change it to 2234, 2234 would be the vdn with v1 set to 1234, and then route it through the vector above..

we use incoming call handling treatment because our did's do not match our dial plan,, but here is a small screen shot of one of my tables..

 Service/       Called    Called        Del  Insert           Per Call  Night
 Feature         Len      Number                              CPN/BN    Serv
 public-ntwrk     4   2350              4    6723             bn-only
 public-ntwrk     4   2351              4    5123             bn-only
 public-ntwrk     4   2352              4    5176             bn-only
 public-ntwrk     4   2344              4    5450             bn-only
 public-ntwrk     4   2345              4    5930             bn-only
 public-ntwrk     4   2361              4    5094             bn-only

so in the first example we get 2350 and we then route it to vdn 6723, which then plays an announcement and routes it to extension 5835, all our did's are 2340-2439, and our user extensions are in the 5000 range, and most of our vdn's and announcements are in the 6000 range
We are using DID's direct to extension lines. The assigned Telco DID's and using extension matches.

From your example, is 5835 a soft number? How does this affect internal calling where the four digits are used only. Would we have to use the DID or the soft number?

in the example above... 5835 is actually my extension. my did ends in 2350. So internal callers just dial me diretly at 5835, and they do not get an announcement,,, but all outside callers calling me directly get routed through vdn 6723, which has 5835 set as V1 (on pg 3 of vdn) and points to a vector that has 3 steps
1 wait time 1 secs hearing silence
2 announcment xxxx (thankyou for calling xyz company, this call may be monitored or recorded for quality assurence,, etc)
3 route to number V1 with cov y if unconditionally

there are a few others that also use this vector,, so they each have a vdn that has their real extension as V1...

Since you said you are using DIDs directly from your carrier perhaps you can use the number conversion table for the trunk group. Convert the number to a different number that you can use as a VDN.

Using the number you convert to create a VDN that points to a vector. In the vector have a step that plays the announcement then directs the call to the extension.

Depending on many of your users need to have this set up you might consider variables, but if it is for just a few then you might do this for each incoming DID.


You have ext. 1234 -
Your outside customer dials 414-453-1234
Your carrier sends 1234 to your PBX on trunk group 6
You change the incoming digits on trunk group 6 from
1234 to 4567 and make a VDN - 4567
VDN 4567 points to vector 8
Vector 8 plays your announcement -
then routes the call to 1234

If you have a large number of extensions you may not want to set up a VDN for each but rather use variables in your vector. On the other hand if your group of DIDs actually are a group of people who can be put in a hunt group or a skill set your vector could route to the hunt group or que the skill instead of being routed to a particular DID.
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