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Recent Report for last two days. 2

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Technical User
Mar 6, 2001
I can pull up my report for the last two days only with [tt]Date()-2[/tt].

How would I pull up the last two days if it was a Monday and I wanted Monday and Friday data on my report. My current report just pulls up Monday and Sunday but I really need MOnday and Friday data. Please advise how I can do this with my Access 2000 report. If needed I would settle for a Monday,Sunday, Saturday, Friday report.
The following code is used to calculate against work days. It can also be used to filter out holidays. Just place all of this in a module and then use the foloowing syntax:

funAddWorkDays(-2, "your start date", Array(#12/25/01#, #1/1/02#))

The last section is business day holiday you can specifiy if you want, or just leave that whole section blank.

Hope this helps.

Public Function dhAddWorkDaysA(lngDays As Long, _
Optional dtmDate As Date = 0, _
Optional adtmDates As Variant) As Date
' Add the specified number of work days to the
' specified date.

' In:
' lngDays:
' Number of work days to add to the start date.
' dtmDate:
' date on which to start looking.
' Use the current date, if none was specified.
' adtmDates (Optional):
' Array containing holiday dates. Can also be a single
' date value, if that's what you want.
' Out:
' Return Value:
' The date of the working day lngDays from the start, taking
' into account weekends and holidays.
' Example:
' dhAddWorkDaysA(10, #2/9/2000#, Array(#2/16/2000#, #2/17/2000#))
' returns #2/25/2000#, which is the date 10 work days
' after 2/9/2000, if you treat 2/16 and 2/17 as holidays
' (just made-up holidays, for example purposes only).

Dim lngCount As Long
Dim dtmTemp As Date

If dtmDate = 0 Then
dtmDate = Date
End If

dtmTemp = dtmDate
For lngCount = 1 To lngDays
dtmTemp = dhNextWorkdayA(dtmTemp, adtmDates)
Next lngCount
dhAddWorkDaysA = dtmTemp
End Function

Public Function dhNextWorkdayA( _
Optional dtmDate As Date = 0, _
Optional adtmDates As Variant = Empty) As Date

' Requires:
' SkipHolidays
' IsWeekend

' In:
' dtmDate:
' date on which to start looking.
' Use the current date, if none was specified.
' adtmDates (Optional):
' Array containing holiday dates. Can also be a single
' date value.
' Out:
' Return Value:
' The date of the next working day, taking
' into account weekends and holidays.
' Example:
' ' Find the next working date after 5/30/97
' dtmDate = dhNextWorkdayA(#5/23/1997#, #5/26/97#)
' ' dtmDate should be 5/27/97, because 5/26/97 is Memorial day.

If dtmDate = 0 Then
dtmDate = Date
End If

dhNextWorkdayA = SkipHolidaysA(adtmDates, dtmDate + 1, 1)
End Function

Public Function dhPreviousWorkdayA( _
Optional dtmDate As Date = 0, _
Optional adtmDates As Variant = Empty) As Date

' Requires:
' SkipHolidays
' IsWeekend

' In:
' dtmDate:
' date on which to start looking.
' Use the current date, if none was specified.
' adtmDates (Optional):
' Array containing holiday dates. Can also be a single
' date value.
' Out:
' Return Value:
' The date of the previous working day, taking
' into account weekends and holidays.
' Example:
' ' Find the next working date before 1/1/2000

' dtmDate = dhPreviousWorkdayA(#1/1/2000#, Array(#12/31/1999#, #1/1/2000#))
' ' dtmDate should be 12/30/1999, because of the New Year's holidays.

' Did the caller pass in a date? If not, use
' the current date.
If dtmDate = 0 Then
dtmDate = Date
End If

dhPreviousWorkdayA = SkipHolidaysA(adtmDates, dtmDate - 1, -1)
End Function

Public Function dhFirstWorkdayInMonthA( _
Optional dtmDate As Date = 0, _
Optional adtmDates As Variant = Empty) As Date

' Requires:
' SkipHolidays
' IsWeekend

' In:
' dtmDate:
' date within the month of interest.
' Use the current date, if none was specified.
' adtmDates (Optional):
' Array containing holiday dates. Can also be a single
' date value.
' Out:
' Return Value:
' The date of the first working day in the month, taking
' into account weekends and holidays.
' Example:
' ' Find the first working day in 1999
' dtmDate = dhFirstWorkdayInMonthA(#1/1/1999#, #1/1/1999#)

Dim dtmTemp As Date

If dtmDate = 0 Then
dtmDate = Date
End If

dtmTemp = DateSerial(Year(dtmDate), Month(dtmDate), 1)
dhFirstWorkdayInMonthA = SkipHolidaysA(adtmDates, dtmTemp, 1)
End Function

Public Function dhLastWorkdayInMonthA( _
Optional dtmDate As Date = 0, _
Optional adtmDates As Variant = Empty) As Date

' Requires:
' SkipHolidays
' IsWeekend

' In:
' dtmDate:
' date within the month of interest.
' Use the current date, if none was specified.
' adtmDates (Optional):
' Array containing holiday dates. Can also be a single
' date value.
' Out:
' Return Value:
' The date of the last working day in the month, taking
' into account weekends and holidays.
' Example:
' ' Find the last working day in 1999
' dtmDate = dhLastWorkdayInMonthA(#12/1/1999#, #12/31/1999#)

Dim dtmTemp As Date

If dtmDate = 0 Then
dtmDate = Date
End If

dtmTemp = DateSerial(Year(dtmDate), Month(dtmDate) + 1, 0)
dhLastWorkdayInMonthA = SkipHolidaysA(adtmDates, dtmTemp, -1)
End Function

Public Function dhCountWorkdaysA(ByVal dtmStart As Date, ByVal dtmEnd As Date, _
Optional adtmDates As Variant = Empty) _
As Integer

' Requires:
' SkipHolidays
' CountHolidays
' IsWeekend

' In:
' dtmStart:
' Date specifying the start of the range (inclusive)
' dtmEnd:
' Date specifying the end of the range (inclusive)
' (dates will be swapped if out of order)
' adtmDates (Optional):
' Array containing holiday dates. Can also be a single
' date value.
' Out:
' Return Value:
' Number of working days (not counting weekends and optionally, holidays)
' in the specified range.
' Example:
' Debug.Print dhCountWorkdaysA(#7/2/2000#, #7/5/2000#, _
' Array(#1/1/2000#, #7/4/2000#))
' returns 2, because 7/2/2000 is Sunday, 7/4/2000 is a holiday,
' leaving 7/3 and 7/5 as workdays.

Dim intDays As Integer
Dim dtmTemp As Date
Dim intSubtract As Integer

' Swap the dates if necessary.>
If dtmEnd < dtmStart Then
dtmTemp = dtmStart
dtmStart = dtmEnd
dtmEnd = dtmTemp
End If

' Get the start and end dates to be weekdays.
dtmStart = SkipHolidaysA(adtmDates, dtmStart, 1)
dtmEnd = SkipHolidaysA(adtmDates, dtmEnd, -1)
If dtmStart > dtmEnd Then
' Sorry, no Workdays to be had. Just return 0.
dhCountWorkdaysA = 0
intDays = dtmEnd - dtmStart + 1

' Subtract off weekend days. Do this by figuring out how
' many calendar weeks there are between the dates, and
' multiplying the difference by two (because there are two
' weekend days for each week). That is, if the difference
' is 0, the two days are in the same week. If the
' difference is 1, then we have two weekend days.
intSubtract = (DateDiff(&quot;ww&quot;, dtmStart, dtmEnd) * 2)

' The answer to our quest is all the weekdays, minus any
' holidays found in the table.
intSubtract = intSubtract + _
CountHolidaysA(adtmDates, dtmStart, dtmEnd)

dhCountWorkdaysA = intDays - intSubtract
End If
End Function

Private Function CountHolidaysA( _
adtmDates As Variant, _
dtmStart As Date, dtmEnd As Date) As Long

' Required by:
' dhCountWorkdays

' Requires:
' IsWeekend

Dim lngItem As Long
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim blnFound As Long
Dim dtmTemp As Date

On Error GoTo HandleErr
lngCount = 0
Select Case VarType(adtmDates)
Case vbArray + vbDate, vbArray + vbVariant
' You got an array of variants, or of dates.
' Loop through, looking for non-weekend values
' between the two endpoints.
For lngItem = LBound(adtmDates) To UBound(adtmDates)
dtmTemp = adtmDates(lngItem)
If dtmTemp >= dtmStart And dtmTemp <= dtmEnd Then
If Not IsWeekend(dtmTemp) Then
lngCount = lngCount + 1
End If
End If
Next lngItem
Case vbDate
' You got one date. So see if it's a non-weekend
' date between the two endpoints.
If adtmDates >= dtmStart And adtmDates <= dtmEnd Then
If Not IsWeekend(adtmDates) Then
lngCount = 1
End If
End If
End Select

CountHolidaysA = lngCount
Exit Function

' No matter what the error, just
' return without complaining.
' The worst that could happen is that the code
' include a holiday as a real day, even if
' it's in the table.
Resume ExitHere
End Function

Private Function FindItemInArray(varItemToFind As Variant, _
avarItemsToSearch As Variant) As Boolean
Dim lngItem As Long

On Error GoTo HandleErrors

For lngItem = LBound(avarItemsToSearch) To UBound(avarItemsToSearch)
If avarItemsToSearch(lngItem) = varItemToFind Then
FindItemInArray = True
GoTo ExitHere
End If
Next lngItem

Exit Function

' Do nothing at all.
' Return False.
Resume ExitHere
End Function

Private Function IsWeekend(dtmTemp As Variant) As Boolean
' If your weekends aren't Saturday (day 7) and Sunday (day 1),
' change this routine to return True for whatever days
' you DO treat as weekend days.

' Required by:
' SkipHolidays
' dhFirstWorkdayInMonth
' dbLastWorkdayInMonth
' dhNextWorkday
' dhPreviousWorkday
' dhCountWorkdays

If VarType(dtmTemp) = vbDate Then
Select Case Weekday(dtmTemp)
Case vbSaturday, vbSunday
IsWeekend = True
Case Else
IsWeekend = False
End Select
End If
End Function

Private Function SkipHolidaysA( _
adtmDates As Variant, _
dtmTemp As Date, intIncrement As Integer) As Date
' Skip weekend days, and holidays in the array referred to by adtmDates.
' Return dtmTemp + as many days as it takes to get to a day that's not
' a holiday or weekend.

' Required by:
' dhFirstWorkdayInMonthA
' dbLastWorkdayInMonthA
' dhNextWorkdayA
' dhPreviousWorkdayA
' dhCountWorkdaysA

' Requires:
' IsWeekend

Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strFieldName As String
Dim lngItem As Long
Dim blnFound As Boolean

On Error GoTo HandleErrors

' Move up to the first Monday/last Friday, if the first/last
' of the month was a weekend date. Then skip holidays.
' Repeat this entire process until you get to a weekday.
' Unless adtmDates an item for every day in the year (!)
' this should finally converge on a weekday.

Do While IsWeekend(dtmTemp)
dtmTemp = dtmTemp + intIncrement
Select Case VarType(adtmDates)
Case vbArray + vbDate, vbArray + vbVariant
blnFound = FindItemInArray(dtmTemp, adtmDates)
If blnFound Then
dtmTemp = dtmTemp + intIncrement
End If
Loop Until Not blnFound
Case vbDate
If dtmTemp = adtmDates Then
dtmTemp = dtmTemp + intIncrement
End If
End Select
Loop Until Not IsWeekend(dtmTemp)

SkipHolidaysA = dtmTemp
Exit Function

' No matter what the error, just
' return without complaining.
' The worst that could happen is that we
' include a holiday as a real day, even if
' it's in the array.
Resume ExitHere
End Function Programming isn't a profession of choice.
It's a profession of calling...
&quot;Hey Programmer, your application broke again!&quot; [spin]

Robert L. Johnson III, A+, Network+, MCP
I have a set of code that will do exactly what you want. Send me an e-mai address and I forward it ot you with some instructions. Programming isn't a profession of choice.
It's a profession of calling...
&quot;Hey Programmer, your application broke again!&quot; [spin]

Robert L. Johnson III, A+, Network+, MCP
Hi Teser,

You could try the Weekday() function. I'm not too sure of the exact code, perhaps someone can help furtehr but it should run something like this:

Private Sub Report_Open()

dim intDayOfTheWeek as integer
dim strQueryCriteria as string 'not sure what to declare here, I could be wrong.

intDayOfTheWeek = Weekday(int(now()), 2)

'The first argument tells Access to use todays date, the second to assign the value 1 to Monday, 2 to Tuesday etc... Look up &quot;weekday&quot; in Access help for a bit more info.

If intDayOfTheWeek = 1 then

strQueryCriteria = &quot;between int(now())-4 and int(now())&quot;

'collect the data for the last four days because it's Monday

Else: strQueryCriteria = &quot;between int(now())-2 and int(now())&quot;

'I don't know how to put the criteria into the query, perhaps entering &quot;strQueryCriteria&quot; into the criteria space in the query design grid would work? There is probably a more elegant solution...

End Sub[/code]

Hope this gives you a start, good luck!

Robbo ;-)
Thanks for all the information.
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