I can't success my work cause msgbox "TNS : no listener" .
when i wrote VB form->
sub buut1_click()
dim orasession1,oradb1 as object
set orasession1 = createobject("XSESION.ORASESSION"
set oradb1= orasesstion1.opendatabase("MY_NET_SERVICE" ,"scott/tiger",&0) <------- this line error
end sub
i have no idea about listener.
when i wrote VB form->
sub buut1_click()
dim orasession1,oradb1 as object
set orasession1 = createobject("XSESION.ORASESSION"
set oradb1= orasesstion1.opendatabase("MY_NET_SERVICE" ,"scott/tiger",&0) <------- this line error
end sub
i have no idea about listener.