Hello all,
So, my bad day started with an over-zealous rm -rf. It has to do with fink and darwin, and it's ugly, but suffice it to say, I no longer have much of a /usr/local directory. I've been reinstalling since. I ran into some troubles with ImageMagick. I use Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed on a test server on my mac, and when I tried opening the script that called it, it couldn't find /usr/local/lib/libmagick.*.dylib, namely because I rm'ed it.
I can't get CPAN to rebuild the module, because according to its database, its up-to-date and everything's ok. I tried using the ExtUtils library to uninstall the module, essentially:
$inst = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
unlink $inst->files('Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed');
unlink $inst->packlist('Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed');
which seemed to work. I went into the CPAN shell to reinstall, and CPAN still thinks it is installed. Is there a way to force CPAN to rebuild the module? I've tried the following to no avail:
cpan> force get Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed
cpan> force make ...
cpan> force install ...
test doesn't even actually perform any tests! It just keeps telling me that everything is current and ok.
I'm running perl5.8.8 on MacOSX Darwin (10.4.7)
Thanks a bunch,
So, my bad day started with an over-zealous rm -rf. It has to do with fink and darwin, and it's ugly, but suffice it to say, I no longer have much of a /usr/local directory. I've been reinstalling since. I ran into some troubles with ImageMagick. I use Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed on a test server on my mac, and when I tried opening the script that called it, it couldn't find /usr/local/lib/libmagick.*.dylib, namely because I rm'ed it.
I can't get CPAN to rebuild the module, because according to its database, its up-to-date and everything's ok. I tried using the ExtUtils library to uninstall the module, essentially:
$inst = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
unlink $inst->files('Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed');
unlink $inst->packlist('Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed');
which seemed to work. I went into the CPAN shell to reinstall, and CPAN still thinks it is installed. Is there a way to force CPAN to rebuild the module? I've tried the following to no avail:
cpan> force get Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed
cpan> force make ...
cpan> force install ...
test doesn't even actually perform any tests! It just keeps telling me that everything is current and ok.
I'm running perl5.8.8 on MacOSX Darwin (10.4.7)
Thanks a bunch,