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Realitis DX Dual Processor IP/Ethernet port connection problems

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Technical User
Jul 10, 2020
Hi Folks !

I have a problem of connection on an Realitis DX Dual Processor where using all necessary settings for the Software ( FTP, FileZilla, TeraTerm, PutTTY, Telnet }, the rigth cross cable ( Patchcord RJ45-A on one end and RJ45-B on the other end ), to connect my PC ( Laptop ) to the backpanel of the System Card on the lower RJ45 port, I wasn`t able to have nothing else than start an Urgent Alarm on the DX system - 63U and 62N - which has nothing to do with my connection cable.
I didn`t even get a real connection with a direct cable between my PC and my DX, only through n REPOTEC Switch. After I get this alarms I was able to ping both IPs - CPUB and my PC, without to be able to login with a Software as it should, giving all necessary data - Host, User, Password, IP address.

Any suggestions, guidences, solutions would be greatly appreciated.

All the best to everyone who read this post.


In my setup I've a LAN crossover cable - connected to the lower RJ45 port of the ACTIVE PROCESSOR.
I found out the Active Processor by logging in on the standard serial interface beforehand.
I was using Windows Hyperterminal - (still works on Win11)
To do FTP transfers I found that I had to use a DOS Terminal FTP rather than Filezilla or other program but that might be just my settings - however I was able to get connectibity.
Trust me, I did everything by the book, but I wasn`t able not even to place my LAN crossover cable into the RJ45 port of the ACTIVE Processor without starting an Urgent Alarm on my DX system. In these conditions, without taking in any other consideration the Urgent Alarm type, I wasn`t able to do anything else than PING the ACTIVE Processor IP and my PC`s IP address, but only through a LAN Switch, because directly connected between these two PC and PC, I couldn`t do these things, like it I wasn`t connected at all to my DX System. Hope I was more clear about my actual problem now. Resuming all these in a shorter line, I wasn`t able to connect my PC to the DX System at all, nomatter what I tried to do.
Sorry, I wrote it earlier wrong ... connected between PC and DX system ...
Hi Folks,

I want to use a Network Card instead of a GPIO/ Modem Card to connect to my Realitis DX Dual Processor through a WAN connection. Because I am supposed to use a LAN crossover cable to connect the Network Card to an ADSL modem and place it into a DMZ, I`m not sure if this could function same as a Modem, with the only difference that one is on a PSTN line and the other on WAN.

Any ideas or sugestions ?

Hi Folks,

Can anybody tell me the cable connection diagram for a Modem placed on an GPIO/ Modem card and eventualy what settings should I made to make it function ?

What I referenced earlier was about where should be plugged in, into which connector of which card ?

These should be found in the Realitis DX cable diagram, which i don`t have, all I have in this moment is only the pin connector Modem diagram, which is not to helpfull.

Any informations will greatly appreciated.

Hi Steve,
In the Siemens: Hicom forum there is a store of information
One of them is the iSDX Service Manual which you can download and maybe the required information is in that.
Thanks for the Tip, untill now I wasn`t able to find or download anything yet, maybe in time I will find something useful there.
Anyway, if you have any ideas about the IP/Ethernet port on the System Card Filter why do I face that connection problem, please let me know about it.
My best regards !
The iSDX Manual (HiPath DX Publications Issue 8)
is on that site - at HiPath4000/Shared/iSDX Realitis HiPath DX
I already have it since 2020 but it is Issue 6 and I couldn`t find anything helpful inside about my problem I`m facing now.
I will follow your advice and try to find Issue 8 and download it.
Thanks again for this advice !
I forgot to tell you, my PBX is a Realitis DX 150E Dual Processor ver. 9.0 issue 6.0, bellow you can see it`s Header :
Unpublished Work. Copyright Siemens plc.
All rights reserved.
DX ATDBN9006 26978.01 01.030
9.0.061 /01DUK 0001000 UK 14 12/10/05 A M 111

Maybe in this way we will be able to speak same language when it comes to solutions.

try it with a normal ethernet patch cable as nearly all laptop NICs have MDIX these days.

Access the switch via maint port and check the environment settings in asmi to make sure the act/sb IP addresses and route is correct.
Thanks for the tip, I will do it and I will come back to you.
Hi Folks,
Somebody posted a few years ago this :

Siemens usually ship a system with an address of This can be change with the SETENV command within ASMI.
Use command ASMI from the maintenace terminal, port 1.
Type SE to list the environment variables, type SE.
To change the ip address of the ethernet port :
se ipact = ....deletes
se ipact = 192.168.255.xxx ...assigns
Note a reboot of the system in required for changes to take effect.
If subnet addressing is required a route must be added.
se route1 =
ROUTEx =,, N,
Format: <destination IP address>,<router IP address>, <type>,<subnet mask address>
type= N for network
type= H for host
Telenet ports are as follows :
MMI ports
customer = 23
remote = 19826
maintence = 19821
Setting up NIVAL @ 6.2 S/w to secure the ethernet connections a client database can be set by the following :
1.Log in via the V.24 maintenance port.
2.LPAT 42140, do not proceed if this patch is not installed.
3. Use the command ASMI to access the system maintenance interface (SMI)
4.Use the command DIR to check that NI.dat does not exist, if it does, delete the file.
5.Now set NIVAL in the environment (On both UPI’s if a DUAL system)
L System: SE NIVAL=1.0/NI.dat
SN and Micro System: SE NIVAL=0.0/NI.dat
5.Exit SMI> ; Type “E”
6.Now reset the UPI in order for change to take effect.
7.After the system reloads, at maintenance port use the command ANIC to set clients after logging back in.
ANIC FTP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
ANIC FTPUSER bla blabla
8.Re-enter ASMI and confirm that NI.dat has been created, by using DIR at the SMI> prompt. Exit SMI>

I used the bellow settings :
se ipact = for CPUA and for CPUB
and I think it should be something like this :
ROUTE1=,,n, on SIMA?
not sure if I would need to establish even :
ROUTE2=,,n, on SIMB>
Not sure also if the sequence in my particular case should be as follows :
L System: SE NIVAL=1.0/NI.dat
SN & Micro System: SE NIVAL=0.0/NI.dat
on both CPUA and CPUB
I`m asking allthese questions because actualy I can`t give LNIC command, neither the last part for programming my DX :
ANIC FTP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
ANIC FTPUSER bla blabla
Neither to see in ASMI and confirm that NI.dat has been created, by using DIR at the SMI> prompt

If any of you guys has any idea about these things, please let me know about it, because I realy need guidence inhere.

My best regards to all of you !

If you are only going to use a single laptop/pc directly connected to manage it then use a host route, if you are connecting it to a switch in a routed network then use network route

E.G if Laptop IP =

host route =,,H,

E.G if Default gateway = on a /24 vlan or subnet

network route =,,N,

Simplest thing is tell us how you want to connect this to the network and access it, what is the subnet and default gateway?
Hi and thanks for your time taken to help me !

First I will give you all necessary details for what you asked me earlier :

I`m connecting to the PBX through a Network Router with my PC.
Router IP =
Subnet Mask =
Default Gateway =
I changed CPUs IPs as follows :
SMIA>se ipact=
SMIB>se ipact=
Not sure if I did the right thing.

Bellow are the settings which I applied today through ASMI :

SMIA>se ipact=
SMIA>se ipact=
SMIA>se route1=
SMIA> se route1=,,n,
SMIA>del NI.dat -- Delete File
SMIA>L System: SE NIVAL=1.0/NI.dat
SMIA>SN & Micro System: SE NIVAL=0.0/NI.dat
SMIB>se ipact=
SMIB>se ipact=
SMIB>se route2=
SMIB>se route1=
SMIB>se route1=,,n,
SMIB>del NI.dat -- Delete File
SMIB>L System: SE NIVAL=1.0/NI.dat
SMIB>SN & Micro System: SE NIVAL=0.0/NI.dat
SMIB>DIR ---- confirm that NI.dat has been created
SMIA>DIR ---- confirm that NI.dat has been created
?LPAT 42140

After all these settings I reain with a few problems :
in – SETENV – the standby CPU appear with the same initial IP address – IPSB=
if I give any of these commands :
the answer is :
NIVAL file was not created
in – SETENV – at DIR command the NI.dat file was not created on either CPU

Unfortunately, looking at what you sent me in your answer earlier it seems there are still inconsistencies in my line settings.
Can you help me make them right ?

Use >> se route1=,,n,

The bold allows the CPU to route to any address in the subnet i.e to

se route1=,,n,

The bold tells it to route those detinations via the next hop gateway of your router

se route1=,,n,

As to the rest it's been over 20yrs since I touched ISDX/Realitis so it's long evaporated from the brain
Thanks for advices and for your time taken with me !
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