Windows xp sp3
Delphi 7
Trying to read strings from another process memory but I m only getting 1 byte back from the read operation.
The findprocess() function is predefined in an include btw
Window: integer;
dat: array[0..500] of Char;
read: cardinal;
Str: String;
Window := FindProcess('blaha.exe');
Window := openprocess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,false,Window);
ReadProcessMemory(Window,pointer($0A6D84F4), @dat,500,read);
Str := String(dat);
Edit1.Text := Str;
Now, according to my own comprehension, 500 bytes should get dumped into 'dat' but it would seem only 1 byte make it back alive, ie I only get the first letter in return from the string in memory im trying to read at the specified adress.
Argh! Why is that?
Delphi 7
Trying to read strings from another process memory but I m only getting 1 byte back from the read operation.
The findprocess() function is predefined in an include btw
Window: integer;
dat: array[0..500] of Char;
read: cardinal;
Str: String;
Window := FindProcess('blaha.exe');
Window := openprocess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,false,Window);
ReadProcessMemory(Window,pointer($0A6D84F4), @dat,500,read);
Str := String(dat);
Edit1.Text := Str;
Now, according to my own comprehension, 500 bytes should get dumped into 'dat' but it would seem only 1 byte make it back alive, ie I only get the first letter in return from the string in memory im trying to read at the specified adress.
Argh! Why is that?