Hi All,
Below is the code which I am busy with but am stuck with trying to read the third file.
What I would like to do is to use (this value------->) as indicated below and sub into the third file
Can anyone assist me with this issue.
awk 'FNR==NR {
idx=$1 SUBSEP $5 SUBSEP $11 SUBSEP $12
if ( idx in a) {
$2 = a[idx]
this value-------> print $2
}' database $1.temp
Many Thanks
Below is the code which I am busy with but am stuck with trying to read the third file.
What I would like to do is to use (this value------->) as indicated below and sub into the third file
Can anyone assist me with this issue.
awk 'FNR==NR {
idx=$1 SUBSEP $5 SUBSEP $11 SUBSEP $12
if ( idx in a) {
$2 = a[idx]
this value-------> print $2
}' database $1.temp
Many Thanks