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Reading DVDs results in a BSOD and Machine_Check_Exception 1

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Technical User
Jul 23, 2006
Anytime I put a DVD into my DVD drive, my computer will reboot and I will get a BSOD. The error I get is a Machine_Check_Exception with the error code: STOP: 0x0000009c(0x00000004,0x8054d5f0,0xb2000000,0x00070f0f). I have tired multiple drivers, and changed the ide cable. When I changed the IDE cable, I was able to play Oblivion. When I shut down and restarted, my computer would not boot until I took the disc out. This problem is recent, as I was able to load DVDs a month ago. The only thing I have changed hardware-wise would be a Viewsonic vx2025wm and a Creative X-Fi xtrememusic.

My computer:
AN8-SLI Premium (latest Bios)
AMD x2 3800+ (Not overclocked)
eVGA GeForce 7800GT
1 Gb Corsair XMS TWINX1024-3200C2PRO
Western Digital 160Gb Caviar (SATA)
Lite-On Combo Drive
Creative X-Fi Xtrememusic

I am stumped on this one. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I tend to agree with cupid11213. You are rapidly entering the land of diminishing returns here. It's nearly time to cut your losses. There are just too many things that could be the cause of your issues. We know it's not your PSU, mobo or RAM I think now. Or your DVD. But that leaves rather a lot still. The only thing left to check I can think of is DirectX (see below) and your hard drive. If those come up clean - re-install!

I would say it's time to back your data up. If you have partitioned your drive with one partition for data and one for windows - you should be OK - but I wouldn't risk it even then. See if you can burn a DVD and verify it using an even lower screen res? Link to another PC and copy your data over? Once you have a good, verified backup, re-install windows from scratch. You could try a repair, but you could just be wasting time. If you have partitioned your drive, get the install to reformat the C partition. If not, I recommend re-formatting the drive and creating two partitions, one for C and one for D. Don't do a 'quick format' - Because one possibility is that some part of XP is sitting currently in a bad sector. So you want all bad sectors detected and eliminated.

Which leads me to the following thoughts.

The problem looks to be screen related. So it it probably worth checking direct X before doing anything else. You should be on version 9.0c. Use Start/run and type dxdiag. You can check up on the version you have there. Look at all the tabs and see if you have any issues. With luck you do and may be able to fix them. Report back here any specifics.
You can get the latest Direct X here.

The other faint possibility is a small part of XP is actually 'living' inside a sector on your hard drive that has gone bad. This is a rather hard area to give advice on in a forum though. So I'll just say this.

1. Personally I trust SpinRite from - It costs but IMHO its worth every penny and I use it as a first tool when diagnosing a PC - together with memtest. If you do have a bad sector or two chances are it will be able to spare them off and recover whatever they contain so ending your troubles. But of course you may not want to buy it and it may find nothing so you won't be happy you have 'wasted' your money. But you will know exactly how healthy your hard drive is - which windows will never tell you.

2. Use chkdsk to check your drive. Open a DOS box (start/run/cmd) and type chkdsk c: /f /r /v /x
hit the enter key and allow it to run on re-boot. re-boot!
It will take a while and the output log of what it did can be found once re-booted in your event log.

Don't do a windows check disk from explorer - it doesn't do a very good job.

The trouble with chkdsk is that it doesn't try very hard to recover the data in a bad sector. So XP may only start in safe mode or not at all of anything vital is deleted by chkdsk. The good news though is a repair install usually works and your drive is at least clean.

Best of luck!
I just checked and Direct X is fine. I'm going to run chkdsk today.
I was looking through event viewer and I noticed miltiple disc warnings saying that the paging operation failed. Could this be a bad hardrive?
Possible. Insufficient data for meaningful answer.

See what chkdsk turns up.

Perhaps post some details on the event viewer warning?

As far as I know though only SpinRite will give you the full story on your HDD - Apart from testing the drive and sparing any bad sectors whilst recovering the data in them, SpinRite will tell you your HDD temp, total hours, how many errors its ever had etc etc - all sorts of overwhelming info! If it reports a drive has ever had unrecoverable read errors then it's a warning to back up and replace the drive!
Should I back up before running chkdsk? Here is the warning:

Product: Windows Operating System
Event ID: 51
Source: Disk
Version: 5.2
Message: An error was detected on device %1 during a paging operation.

An input/output (I/O) request to a memory-mapped file failed and the operation was retried.

User Action
If these events are logged regularly on a primary system drive, replace the device. Otherwise, no user action is required.

Version: 5.0
Message: An error was detected on device %1 during a paging operation.

An input/output (I/O) request to a memory-mapped file failed and the operation was retried.

User Action
If these events are logged regularly on a primary system drive, replace the device. Otherwise, no user action is required.

Here is what Microsoft says about even ID 51's:
the errors happen in gruops of about 25, and happened yesterday and the day before.

It seems to have happened right when I shut down at night on Monday, and when I turned it on Tuesday.
Western Digital has a diagnostic tool available on their website. I'm going to download that and check on my drive.
My hard drive passed the Western Digital Diagnostic test. I'm going to reformat tonight or tomorrow.
chkdsk just passed with no errors, either. Time to reformat. Wish me luck!
I assume you used chkdsk with all those parameters set. If so, and with the WD Diag coming in clean I think you can eliminate the HDD as a possible cause.

The finger is now pointing at a corruption somewhere in windows I think. I would discount the possibility of a bad mobo at this stage. So most likely the quickest solution will be a clean install. Depending on the version of windows on your installation CD you will have a lot of updates to do. Don't forget to unplug from the internet until you have your firewall/antivirus etc re-installed.


You can interpret why you got Event ID: 51 errors here. But I am uncertain whether it would be worth the effort!
wish you the best of luck and let us know what happens.


Some people make things happen, some people watch things happen, while others wonder what happened.
I have decided to delay the reformat until I can backup everything. I have been thinking about buying an external harddrive for some time, so I will do it then. Unitl then I will use my external drive, as it works perfectly.
Ah, a minty-fresh install. MAKE SURE YOU DOWNLOAD THE NIC DRIVERS beforehand, nothing worse than a fresh install that can't access the internet. I keep a USB NIC & driver on hand.

Also download ZomeAlarm free it works fine for the meanwhile.

I think the process is clean install_>install chipset drivers_> Install firewall_> Update, baby update. It's not so bad anymore b/c you don;t need to monitor the upgrades, get it started and let it go.

I have an old version of Win2K that I use on the office PCs...last clean install produced 46 updates! Via C3 256
mb SDRAM it took two days!!! It's just my spare.

Good luck & post back once she's up again.

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