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read xml using vbs to get name value

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Feb 26, 2003
I want to get the value pointed to by the "entityclass name=" thus giving me the value of "Event" - I have attached the file for this. I can get all the node text but I need the name value
I am using VBS

<vertex eid="423">
<attribute class="java.lang.String" key="type">entity</attribute>
<attribute class="com.flyinglogic.logicgraph.entityclass.EntityClass" key="entityClass">
<entityClass name="Event" uuid="34535235-b676-4a15-9c1b-5e22f3fb5056"/>
<attribute class="java.lang.String" key="title">User: Login</attribute>
<attribute class="com.arciem.FuzzyBoolean" key="confidence">
<fuzzyBoolean true="0.5"/>
<attribute class="com.flyinglogic.logicgraph.operator.FuzzyOrVertexOperator" key="forwardOperator">
<attribute class="java.lang.String" key="note">[UC010] Stakeholders &amp; Interests: User wants to login or sign-up to access RTA online services.</attribute>
<attribute class="java.lang.Integer" key="noteNumber">9</attribute>
I have tried this but with no luck
Dim sFSpec : sFSpec = "J:\RTA\BT_UC_010.logic"
Dim oXDoc : Set oXDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
oXDoc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
oXDoc.async = False
oXDoc.load sFSpec

'If 5960 = oXDoc.ParseError Then
WScript.Echo sFSpec, "looks ok"
Dim sXPath : sXPath = "/flyingLogic/decisionGraph/logicGraph/graph/vertices/vertex/attributes/attribute[@key=""noteNumber""]"

'Dim sXPath : sXPath = "/flyingLogic/decisionGraph/logicGraph/graph/vertices/vertex[@eid=""423""]/attributes/attribute[@key=""noteNumber""]"
'+ "/''attribute[@key=""noteNumber""]"
Dim ndFnd : Set ndFnd = oXDoc.selectSingleNode( sXPath )
If ndFnd Is Nothing Then
WScript.Echo "|", sXPath, "| not found"
WScript.Echo "found |" & ndFnd.getAttributeNode( "key" ).value & "|"
WScript.Echo "found |" & ndFnd.firstChild.text & "|"
End If
'WScript.Echo oXDoc.ParseError.Reason
'End If
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