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Re: Word Wrap

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Oct 4, 2001

I generate an e-mail from an ASP script, problem is it contains a hyperlink but the hyperlink doesn't work as its wrapping the text and not all the details in the hyperlink can be used (does this make sense?).
If you are sending HTML email you can avoid it by generating an anchor tag:

<a href=&quot;YourUrlHere&quot;>Click here to visit.</a>

Either than that, I believe it is a mail client text wrapping issue and you can't prevent it from happening (although I'm not 100% sure...).

Of course you could always insert a warning in the email, in the lines of &quot;beware of line wrapping&quot; or something like that.

Ok, thanks.

Maybe I should explain a little more, its a plain text e-mail thats being sent, the HTML e-mail already uses the <a href=&quot;&quot;></a>. The problem is the plain text e-mail, it prints the hyperlink put seperates it on a couple of lines instead of one.
Could you post the code creating the email?
It may be something in your own code.

if showViewClip then
if (InStr(nwiRecords(&quot;nii_file&quot;),&quot;.pdf&quot;) > 0) or (InStr(nwiRecords(&quot;nii_file&quot;),&quot;.htm&quot;) > 0) then
htmlString = htmlString & &quot;<FONT face='Verdana, Arial' size='&quot;+font1+&quot;'><a href=' Clip</a>&quot;
plTxString = plTxString & &quot; end if
end if

This is the section of the code that should create the hyperlink.
How are you checking the wrapping?
Through response.write or when recieving the email?
And are you creating the email with cdont/cdo or some third party component?


Checking it in the e-mail and yes I'm using CDONTS, thanks for all your help but I worked it out now. I discovered that its limited to 75 characters per line, but there is away around it if set correctly.
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