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Re-Flashing Pc Cards 1

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Oct 11, 2002
Has anyone heard of companies "re-flashing" old Partner Backup/Restore (the sea-foam green ones) to be "remote access/ upgrade cards" I have bought some "refurbished" Remote Access PC Card from a company (who's name I wont say, just to be nice) I though is was kind of strange that they were the old style one with a tape label, pluged it in dialed ext. 76..NOTHIN...RNA. In the mean time I contacted the company and the said that those card were from a different company and were drop shipped, but will get the problem resolved.

Any input?
Hi teamgcs,
They can not "flash" a modem circuit that doesn't exist. I think the R6 card is a 2 Meg card, earlier are 1 Meg for storage. This may be related to the update program as the translations seem to store fine in the older cards.
So, you need at least an R3 backup/ restore/ remote access card. Nothing earlier will have the modem circuit.
Green and yellow partner cards do not have the dial up modem (only the silver). But these card can be used to upgrade your ACS. I use them to make my T-1 uprade cards,they have to be rewritten after each use.
Another little "trick" I discovered is to reflash green or yellow ACS backup cards that have lost their backup capability. Even though they won't backup programming anymore (system says insert valid card when trying to backup), they can still be used to upgrade ACS processors.

Brian Cox
Thanks for the info, so I guess a person can re-flash green backup restore and yellow upgrade cards for thier same purpose they were made for, but can not be flashed into a remote access/backup/restore card.



How do you re-flash a card, do you use the picma slot in a lap top with special software to read the card?

Thanks Again
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