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rcp permission denied between rh´s 7.1 URGENT !!

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Apr 6, 2002
Hi forum:

some months ago a practiced rcp between to rh 7.1 boxes and everything worked fine ... now im trying to do the same thing and im getting permission denied, both hosts has .rhosts updated .. and user exists en both boxes ... i dont know if i gorgot to set some permissions for the users besides the folders where i try to write because thos already have the appropiate permissions ... any tip ??? the complete output of the execution is:

rcmd: socket: Permission denied

Thanks to every1


The user can't open a TCP/IP socket. Is the rcp programme suid root??

Cheers Henrik Morsing
IBM Certified AIX 4.3 Systems Administration
Some things to check:
1. Are the rsh utilities there/still there: rpm -aq | grep rsh
2. Check /etc/services and make sure that ports have not been turned off/commented out.
3. See if there is a inetd.sec file and if there is look at it very closely to see if the rcp has been turned off: find / -name inetd.conf
4. Make sure that user account information matches between the two machines. UID and GID can all be stumbling blocks. The rcp is going to use the login information of the host to authenticate on the client. If these do not match then no login is allowed.
5. Check directory permissions that they allow writing on the client by the user that is rcp'ing.
6. As mentioned above, if you are rcp'ing as root you are now into a special area. By definition on most UNIX systems root is treated differently than a standard user.
7. Check the /etc/xinetd.d directory and make sure that rsh has not been turned off.
First of all, I wouln't advise using rcp. It's much more secure to install openssh and use scp instead. If this is already done, just try:
scp localfilename ip.of.other.box:/path/to/folder/you/want/localfile/to/land/in

also, if this is for backup purposes, you might want to run rsync over ssh to avoid recopying files and over thrashing of your disks.

Also, it could be your firewall blocking the copy, Try doing an iptables -L and if you have any output to the console, there are rules present.

you can do this to clear all your firewall rules:
#iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
#iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
#iptables -F

try searching rpmfind for these
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