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Random SQL

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Aug 23, 2001

Im trying to pull out random rows from an SQL table.
Is there anyway to select all rows matching a criteria, in a complete random order?

Your help is much appreciated!!
By default, DB engines, retrieve data in index order (generally, the index associated with the Primary key of the table acceded). You can overlap this default order by adding an "ORDER BY" clause to your query but I don't think you can get the data in random order. I think the solution for you should be to put the data into an array and then access this array randomly. Water is not bad as long as it stays out human body ;-)

thanks for the reply, i found another way as well:

"SELECT * FROM Table ORDER by NewId()"

this will bring out random records
I never heard about this "NewId()" sql function. Can you tell me more about it ? Does it exist in all DB or only in some ? What kind of DB do you use ? Oracle, SQLServer, MSAccess ? Water is not bad as long as it stays out human body ;-)
I'm interested in this as well, could you provide a link to documetation or examples?

-Tarwn ________________________________________________________________________________
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The NewID() function is a SQL Server function (it may be available in other RDBMS' too) which generates a new GUID.

Usually you would set up a column as data type uniqueidentifier and specify NewID() as the default value.

You can look it up in SQL BOL for further info. --James
The NewID() function is a SQL Server function (it may be available in other RDBMS' too) which creates a unique value of type uniqueidentifier.

Usually you would set up a column as type uniqueidentifier and specify NewID() as the default value.

You can look it up in SQL BOL for further info. --James
After a little search in SQL-server documentation, it seems that NewId() function returns a new "uniqueIdentifier" type variable that looks like this : "6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00C04FC964FF". After knowing that I'm not very sure of the result of the above Siuk query !!!! Water is not bad as long as it stays out human body ;-)
Ok, thats what I thought but wanted to make sure, thanks for the info James. My internet connectivity has been up and down today so I figured it would probably be less painful to ask here than go get it on my own :p

I would have to agree with Targol that I don't see how this would pull out a random row unless it is dynamically assigning a new id each time you call that query(since it is in the order by but you don't actually have a column set up for GUIDs). If that is the case this might actually be more intensive than doing one query to get the recordcount than querying for a random record based on that count.
If it is not creating a fresh GUID for each record every time you query, than you should receive the same record back each and every time, unless the guid is assigned decrementally, than you would just receive the newest record.

-Tarwn ________________________________________________________________________________
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at faq333-2924
I did some research earlier and was going to post it, but between my connection difficulties and the fact that it looked like TT was having difficulties, I gave up after two attempts :)

Heres the higlight for those watching the thread:
The GUID is generated from the network card id and the system time. When you do the select statement above (another resource for this is the tips and tricks section at MSDN) it will basically create a new GUID for each individual row, re-order the table (of course using a temporary table as it does with every query), then send you the results in "random" order.

I am still questioning the efficiency of doing this though. Basically my issue is that if you have 10 queries on a table with 1000 records, your firing the NewID function 10,000 times, or in other words:
For Each Query
For Each Record
Call NewId()

I am considering running a test later tonight (if my girlfriend lets me stay in front of the computer that long) that will do an average time/query using NewId versus an average time of doing a count query, VBScript Random, then Nested Select query (SELECT Top 1 ... (SELECT Top "&randomnumber&"... order by ... desc))). I may extend this by doing a select * with a move random number, though I am sure this will be the slowest by far.

I will post the results afterwards, as well as the stup and code I used to test with.

-Tarwn ________________________________________________________________________________
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at faq333-2924
Well, amazingly using the NewID method isn't half bad. In case anyone other than me is curious about this :p heres the setup for the test and the results:
Win 2000 Server sp3, p1.6, 512k RAM
MS SQL Server 2000 Enterprise, sp?
IIS5 of course :p

The database I am using is from a project I worked on a year ago. The table in question has:
1 seeded integer
21 varchar fields (total max chars: 21,130 :p)
2 bit fields
1 unused image field
2 smalldatetime fields

It currently contains 1385 records.

The test code will be at the bottom.

I ran two pretests for the heck of it based on using a command object vs using the recordset.open method over 50 queries (SELECT * FROM Main). I then looped through the recordsets grabbing the values for the primary key, a numeric text field(varchar 30), and a text field (varchar 1000).

(I actually ran these tests many more times in the process of creating them, and I am to lazy to run the pretest2 more than a couple times so there will only be one set for the pretests in the results)

I ran two tests on random record selection.
The first test used the NewId query:
"SELECT Top 1 * FROM Main Order By NewID()"

The second test was a dual query, 1 for the recordcount and 1 for the a nested select statement:
"SELECT TOP 1 * FROM (SELECT TOP " & cInt(Rnd * recCount) & " * FROM Main ORDER BY rid DESC) DERIVEDTBL"

Both of these tests also had the same three fields grabbed from them (though not in a loop as there was only 1 record returned).

Here are the results, I hope the formatting fits(i'm doing it in the editor so I won't ruin the format of the log file):
TestName	NumQueries	Start		End		   Elapsed Avg/Record
PreTest1	50	1/21/2003 20:00	1/21/2003 20:01	21	0.42
PreTest2	50	1/21/2003 20:01	1/21/2003 20:02	67	1.34
Test1		50	1/21/2003 20:02	1/21/2003 20:02	2	0.04
Test2		50	1/21/2003 20:02	1/21/2003 20:02	1	0.02
Test1		100	1/21/2003 20:03	1/21/2003 20:03	4	0.04
Test2		100	1/21/2003 20:03	1/21/2003 20:03	1	0.01
Test1		200	1/21/2003 20:03	1/21/2003 20:03	8	0.04
Test2		200	1/21/2003 20:03	1/21/2003 20:03	2	0.01
Test1		500	1/21/2003 20:04	1/21/2003 20:04	19	0.038
Test2		500	1/21/2003 20:04	1/21/2003 20:05	6	0.012
Test1		1000	1/21/2003 20:05	1/21/2003 20:05	39	0.039
Test2		1000	1/21/2003 20:05	1/21/2003 20:05	12	0.012

And finally here is the code (with the connection string blanked out to save wear and tear on my server):
Option Explicit
Server.ScriptTimeout = 600

Dim strConnect
strConnect = &quot;Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=----;&quot; & _
			&quot;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=----;&quot; & _
			&quot;Initial Catalog=----;Data Source=----;&quot;

%><!--#INCLUDE FILE=&quot;adovbs.inc&quot; --><%

Dim objCommand
Dim sql_pretest, sql_newid, sql_count, sql_randcount, sql_all
Dim rs_pretest, rs_newid, rs_count, rs_randcount, rs_all
sql_pretest = &quot;SELECT * FROM Main&quot;

Dim numTestLoops, loopCounter
Dim start_time, end_time
Dim dummy_key, dummy_int, dummy_string
numTestLoops = 50	'default value, will be changed dependant on workhorse call

'---------------------------- PreTests --------------------------------------------------
'The pretests are timed on executing a query, looping through the rows accessing the primary_id (integer),
'	a non-key numeric field, and a text (varchar) field
'	all objects will be set to nothing in each loop and re-instantiated

'-------- PreTest 1: objCommand to select *
Function PreTest1()
	'Grab the start time
	start_time = Now()

	'Do the test
	For loopCounter = 0 to numTestLoops - 1
		Set objCommand = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Command&quot;)
		objCommand.ActiveConnection = strConnect
		Set rs_pretest = objCommand.Execute

		Do Until rs_pretest.EOF
			dummy_key = rs_pretest(&quot;rid&quot;)
			dummy_int = rs_pretest(&quot;main_size&quot;)
			dummy_string = rs_pretest(&quot;title&quot;)

		Set rs_pretest = Nothing
		Set objCommand = Nothing

	'Grab the end time
	end_time = Now()

End Function

'-------- PreTest 2: rs.Open to select *
Function PreTest2
	'Grab the Start time
	start_time = Now()

	'Do The Test
	For loopCounter = 0 to numTestLoops - 1
		Set rs_pretest = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)
		rs_pretest.Open sql_pretest, strConnect, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
		Do Until rs_pretest.EOF
			dummy_key = rs_pretest(&quot;rid&quot;)
			dummy_int = rs_pretest(&quot;main_size&quot;)
			dummy_string = rs_pretest(&quot;title&quot;)

	'Grab the end time
	end_time = Now()

End Function

'---------------------------- Random Record Tests ---------------------------------------

'-------- Test 1: Select a random record from a table using NewID() function
Function Test1
	'Prep the sql statement
	sql_newid = &quot;SELECT Top 1 * FROM Main Order By NewID()&quot;
	'Grab the start time
	start_time = Now()

	'Do the test
	For loopCounter = 0 to numTestLoops - 1
		Set objCommand = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Command&quot;)
		objCommand.ActiveConnection = strConnect
		Set rs_newid = objCommand.Execute

		dummy_key = rs_newid(&quot;rid&quot;)
		dummy_int = rs_newid(&quot;main_size&quot;)
		dummy_string = rs_newid(&quot;title&quot;)

		Set rs_newid = Nothing
		Set objCommand = Nothing

	'Grab the end time
	end_time = Now()
End Function

'-------- Test 2: Select a random record using 2 queries
Function Test2
	'Prep the sql statement
	Dim recCount
	sql_count = &quot;SELECT Count(*) as num FROM Main&quot;

	'Grab the start time
	start_time = Now()

	'Do the test
	For loopCounter = 0 to numTestLoops - 1
		Set objCommand = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Command&quot;)
		objCommand.ActiveConnection = strConnect
		Set rs_count = objCommand.Execute

		recCount = rs_count(&quot;num&quot;)
		Set rs_count = Nothing

		sql_randcount = &quot;SELECT TOP 1 * FROM (SELECT TOP &quot; & cInt(Rnd * recCount) & &quot; * FROM Main ORDER BY rid DESC) DERIVEDTBL&quot;
		'response.write sql_randcount

		Set rs_randcount = objCommand.Execute

		dummy_key = rs_randcount(&quot;rid&quot;)
		dummy_int = rs_randcount(&quot;main_size&quot;)
		dummy_string = rs_randcount(&quot;title&quot;)

		Set rs_randcount = Nothing
		Set objCommand = Nothing

	'Grab the end time
	end_time = Now()

End Function

'-------- Test 3: Select a random record by selecting * then moving x number of records forward
Function Test3
	'prep the sql
	'sql_all = &quot;SELECT * FROM MA&quot;

	'there is no need to do this test because it can't even select everything from the table fast enough, let alone move through it
End Function

'------------------------------------------------ Workhorse 0----------------------------
Function workhorse(testname,numloops)
	numTestLoops = numLoops

	Response.Write &quot;Starting &quot; & testname & &quot;:<br>&quot;

	Select Case lcase(testname)
		case &quot;pretest1&quot;
		case &quot;pretest2&quot;
		case &quot;test1&quot;
		case &quot;test2&quot;
		case &quot;test3&quot;
	End Select

	Dim sec, avg
	sec = DateDiff(&quot;s&quot;,start_time, end_time)
	avg = sec/numTestLoops

	Response.Write testname & &quot; has completed &quot; & numTestLoops & &quot; queries against the database.<br>&quot;
	Response.Write &quot;Start: &quot; & start_time & &quot;<br>&quot;
	Response.Write &quot;End: &quot; & end_time & &quot;<br>&quot;
	Response.Write &quot;Total Time: &quot; & sec & &quot;s<br>&quot;
	Response.Write &quot;Average: &quot; & avg & &quot;<br><hr>&quot;

	'append the results to our text file
	Dim fso, fil
	Set fso = Server.CreateObject(&quot;Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot;)
	Set fil = fso.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(&quot;dbEfficLog.txt&quot;), 8)
	fil.WriteLine(testname & vbTab & numTestLoops & vbTab & FormatDateTime(start_time,2) & &quot; &quot; & FormatDateTime(start_time,4) & vbTab & FormatDateTime(end_time,2) & &quot; &quot; & FormatDateTime(end_time,4) & vbTab & sec & vbTab & avg)
	Set fil = Nothing
	Set fso = Nothing
End Function

workhorse &quot;PreTest1&quot;,50
workhorse &quot;PreTest2&quot;,50
workhorse &quot;Test1&quot;,50
workhorse &quot;Test2&quot;,50
workhorse &quot;Test1&quot;,100
workhorse &quot;Test2&quot;,100
workhorse &quot;Test1&quot;,200
workhorse &quot;Test2&quot;,200
workhorse &quot;Test1&quot;,500
workhorse &quot;Test2&quot;,500
workhorse &quot;Test1&quot;,1000
workhorse &quot;Test2&quot;,1000


Before any one mentions it, yes there were numerous ways I could have made individual test more efficient, from using getrows to not using * in the queries, but I wanted to keep them as similar as possible.

Let me know if there are any questions,

argh, after all that I only just now realized I wan't outputting the seconds witgh the start and end times...oh well, pretend :)
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at faq333-2924
very nice!!

now get back to work [lol] _______________________________________________
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ptr = /sleep/gi;Nstr = str.replace(ptr,&quot;coffee&quot;);alert(Nstr); }[/sub]
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