- MCA adapter does NOT support enhanced ran.
- Enhanced RAN required AIX 4.2.1 or 4.3.
- Enhanced Ran and non-enhanced RAN can be mixed but they will run at
the slower speed ( 1.2Mbps not 2.4Mbps )..
- Power-on the RAN. P0 is display during POST
- When the POST is complete, P1 appears and the RAN is ready for the
following programming steps.
- Press the LEFT ARROW to enter programming mode. The current NODE NUMBER
(1n, 2n,3n or 4n) is displayed
- Press the RIGHT ARROW repeatedly until the desired NODE NUMBER is
- Press the left arrow to select the node number entered in the previous
step. Pn will appear momentarily, meaning that the node has been
successfully programmed. The display then return to P1 and awaits
microcode download from the controller.
- AC indicate that IPL is complete and RAN is ready.
En error in RAN
If En appears, the RAN has been improperly programmed in one of the
following way.
- The RANs have not been programmed in ascending order. That is, the RAN
displaying the En has been programmed to a lower number than the
preceeding RAN.
- Two or more RAN have been programmed assigned the same number. The RAN
displaying the En has been programmed to the same number as another node
on the same controller line.
NOTE: Node number should be assigned in ascending order on each controller
line. The RAN closest to the controller being 1n, the second RAN 2n
and so on. Numbers greater than 4 will not configured.
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