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RAID 5 rebuild issues

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Nov 6, 2003
I have an IBM server with a 6i controller which I use for a prod server...
A single RAID 5 stripe across 6 disks in an x235.
A couple of weeks ago I had a disk go defunct, so, duly replaced the disk, and the rebuild starts (HA HA) in ServeRAID manager the progress bar for the rebuild never gets past 0%. Then the rebuild fails and leaves the array in a "rebuilding" state. I spoke with IBM, they came out, told us to upgrade firmware and drivers. Done.
Same problem. They suggested a new drive. Done.
Same problem. They suggest that we have a "bad stripe", and that we need to break the RAID and rebuild...
Has anyone experienced this problem with the 6i card? I need to know before I go and do the rebuild (which I HATE doing, I am not buying the bad stripe story)...

If it's a bad stripe, then the RAID logs should show it. Did the IBM tech check the logs?

I'm Certifiable, not certified.
It just means my answers are from experience, not a book.
Yeah, he tells me that the symptoms point to the bad stripe. I have checked the RAIDMAN logs myself and I don't see references to a problem with the stripe. It's strange, there is no error when it tries to rebuild off the failed disk once replaced. It just fails. I get the "Rebuilding: controller 1, logical drive 1." entry, and then a minute after, the "Rebuild failed: controller 1, logical drive 1 [69]" entry.

It would appear that I am a moron. I just looked at the log again, and lo and behold, there it is, as bright as daylight. The bad stripe error...
Please pardon my stupidity, I am going back to my corner now...and planning the rebuild...
thanks anyway.


Kudos for IBM Support...not often I hear good things about them here :eek:)
And trust me, they're right when they say you have to rebuild it. I just went through it on a 5100 not too long ago. Lost three drives, then they finally read the logs and found a bad backplane, but unfortunately it was too late...another drive failed causing a stripe error.

Had to rebuild the array and reload everything from scratch. (actually, got a x245 to replace it and now have a spare server).

I'm Certifiable, not certified.
It just means my answers are from experience, not a book.
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