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Radeon 8500 lockup

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Jan 18, 2002
I just installed my radeon 8500 AGP on my system. It boots up in normal vga video fine at first, then I install updated drivers off the ati site and the bundled software and restart. My system will boot up and windows will start but after about 3-5 min. it will lockup. I swaped it with my gforce card and everything runs fine. could it be a compatibility issue? I really want to keep this card. My specs:

P4 1.5ghz
biostar m7sxf
sis 645/961 chipset
SB audigy sound card
win2k and xp pro(dual boot, locks up in both)
WD 40Gb HD
Kingston NIC

Thnx for any help.
Unfortunately, it's most likely a driver problem with ATI. I want to buy an all-in-wonder Radeon so bad too, but the sad fact is that you really have to wait a couple months after an ATI product has been out before you will get stable drivers to use.

If you can hold out, ATI will get good drivers released, they are very good about keeping working on their drivers. If you do a performance / price comparison, the ATI lineup is far better than what nVidia offers, but that unfortunate downside is you have to wait on the drivers sometimes.
I am using the Radeon 8500 with no problem. I have been using it for over a year now. It replaced a Voodoo 4500. Completely remove all your G-Force drivers and any other video card drivers. Then remove the G-force card and replace it with the Radeon 8500. Restart you computer and wait for it to recognize the new hardware. Insert your CD with the drivers on it. Your computer should handle it from there. Restart and they should be loaded. Another problem could be a defective fan on the video card. Start the computer with the side panel off. Take a flaslight and look but do NOT touch anything. See if the fam is moving. HEAT build-up will cause it to freeze up on you. Make sure the card is clean. Blow off any dust. Protect against static charge when handling and installing these cards. If not, you may have already damaged it. Good luck.
I'm having the same problem...except I'm working with a clean system and I have a Radeon all-in-wonder 7500 DDR.

My Specs:
P4 1.9
Soyo P4s Dragon Ultra
SIS 645/961 chipset
Win Xp pro

I noticed we have the same chipset I wonder if that's the problem???

The only way I can keep my ststem up is by disabling my display adapter driver(Radeon 7500).

I too would like to keep my card please let me know if anyone finds a fix.
Odd, I just got my Devil Monster II (Radeon 8500) when installing that XP driver (the one released March 20th) I get "The display driver is not compatible with the display adapter(s) installed on your system". (Even after a fresh XP install)

I was attempting to upgrade after I noticed c&c renegade was crashing my system hard.

If any gamers out there are having luck with a stable driver for XP please post which driver you're using.

Thank you,
ATI. I really can't understand how they are still in business.
ATI could GIVE me video cards and I would NOT use them in customers computers. I have a reputation to uphold, and ATI never fails to look bad (hey, we will be glad to take your $300, but were sorry, sucker, but it will be SIX MONTHS before we get an drivers out that will work anywhere decent), and they make me look bad. Therefore,
it has been over, Over 1-year since I last installed an ATI video card in a customers computer, and just about as long since I recommended one, and I regret that I did.

Price per performance ? If they don't work, what kind of price did you pay ?

> IN this case, there may be other issues here, with the little used SiS Chipset, but I'm not talking about that at all. I'm strictly talking about ATI's inability to EVER have a good driver for their products released with the hardware.
As I said, I'm just always amazed that they are still in business.

For Munkee: It is very possible, if you had a mainboard with an Intel chipset on it, the i845, i845D or the i850 and a CLEAN / Fresh install of Windows XP that this wouldn't be happening also. After a brief google search, I didn't come up with any good hits on the SiS 645 / Radeon lead.
Perhaps you will get some input that will actually help you, instead of all these
*testiMOANials* about all the ATI driver / compatibility problems.

After a day or so of debugging error messages it ended up being my Sound Blaster Live. After removing the SB Live all my problems went away.

"DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" was the error message.

Good Luck.
actually, i've been getting that message now, even w/ my geforce3. i have a sb audigy. i havent tried running w/o it yet but i will. are you running xp also? because i never seemed to get that messages in 2k, just xp.
oh, and i jsut ordered a new gigabyte board w/ the intel 845 chipset. maybe that will help things out a little.
I did just - new gigabyte GA-8IDX with a Pentium 4 1.6
still having the same problem, Hardware would initialize (Code 10)

My reseller found the solution
My Card was a Radeon 8500LE --> Powercolor
He told me to use the driver from the Powercolor site
instaid of ATI. It working fine.

Hope it help.
I dont know if anyone has solved this problem yet but for me it doesnt seem to be a driver issue. i have an abit bd7II-raid(845e intel chipset) and the radeon 8500le. I have the same issue of it locking up anywhere from a 1-20 minutes after boot regardless of what i am doing. it has locked up in the bios, during 3d-mark, and quake 3.it seems compleatly random when it locks up except it does it every time in quake and 3d mark. i cant see it being a driver problem because it has locked up in the bios. It is not a heat issue, on load the p4 1.6 runs about 46c which should be fine. i have replaced the motherboard, the memory, and the processor.. i dont want it to be the video card i cant stand replacing another thing. i was wondering if anyone has solved this problem. thanks so much
I recently installed an ATI Radeon 8500LE and for some reason my screen is shaking (moving left and right really fast). I can't figure out what is causeing this and was hoping someone may be able to tell me what they think may be wrong. I downloaded the newest drivers from ati's website and that didnt solve any problems. If my computer has been shut down for a while and I start it up the screen doesn't shake at all but after about 30 minutes it begins to shake again. I would aprecciate any suggestions as to what may fix the problem.

Well my mate has been having these terrible IRQL related errors but he only seems to get them when he exits programs. Strange eh?

Ok well I know this problem has something to do with IRQ's, I just don't know the exact reason or solution.

If any of you are brave enough I would duggest reinstalling XP. When the blue screen shows where it says "press F6 to install 3rd partie".. etc etc.. PRESS AND HOLD F7.

I'm not sure actually how long to hold it (I held it till the screen changed). This will force XP to NOT install ACPI and all your hware get's it's own IRQ like in Win9X/ME systems.

I know this might sound a little bit dodgy to some people but for me personally it has worked. Since I started using this method of install I have had NO IRQL errors.

I am not sure what (if any) performance hit this way of installing XP has. My system has always run very smooth.

Well not really, I tell a little lie. WindowsXP HATES MY MODEM!! It is conatantly identifying it as some silly "best buy modem", grrrr. It frequently takes the modem 3 minutes to disconnect from the internet also.

Apart from this XP isn't that bad but until I get myself an XP compatable Modem, I'm back with WinME.
Hey all, i just got a Gigabyte AP64-d (radeon 8500 le) and its really good, i am using the latest drivers (as at 15/6/2002) from the ati website. It works fine in windows xp and in 3dmark2001se (6965 3dmarks) but i have problems in warcraft III. After say 2-5 minutes of play my computer will either lockup or go to an xp bsod or just plain reboot. I know its the videocard because when i get the xp bsod it always refers to a video card problem and one of the ati drivers. I am using windows xp, athlon 1200, 448mb sdram, iwill kd266 mobo. Any idea what might be causing the problems?
I have lockup too in Direct3D games especialy with UT2003(leaked demo) after 1-2 min. with WarcraftIII around 5 min. and other games rare (fter boot windows says that "infinite loop" occurs in "video driver". Very rare I have lock up with Neverwinter nights (OpenGL). Someone help please. I have tested my Gigabyte R8500 on both ECS K7S5A (SIS735) and MSI VIA KT133. Someone help please!
Yep thats exactly it!, i never have trouble in q3a engine games or opengl in unreal tournament goty edition either. Im just going to try out the latest gigabyte drivers for my card to see if that helps
I'm having a problem with my system reseting after a few mins. I've got a radeon 8500 with 128 megs and my motherboard is a Asus A7V333. I'm getting close to ripping the darn card out and exchanging it, as I'm fed up with trying to get it to work properly with XP or Windows 2000.

If I try running any games the system resets completely within a few mins of starting.
Same problem here with lockups. Start taking components out of your system. This is a power supply problem. ATI recommends a 400watt psu for the Radeon 8500. Unless you have an Antec or Enermax 350watt psu, you won't get anywhere. As for you guys with the infinite loop problem...install Windows 98se or update the cards bios to version 7.008. Also go to and visit the forums there, those guys know what they are talking about.

I'm waiting for my 400watt, hopefully tomorrow and I know my problems will be solved.

Cheers and good luck.
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