Could somebody please tell me how I could solve the following problem. I have created some JavaScript to create a pop-up window which looks like this:
<script language='javascript'>
var popWin = null
var winCount = 0
var winName = 'popWin'
function openPopWin(winURL, winWidth, winHeight, winFeatures, winLeft, winTop){
var d_winLeft = 20
var d_winTop = 20
winName = 'popWin' + winCount++
if (openPopWin.arguments.length >= 4)
winFeatures = ',' + winFeatures
winFeatures = ''
if (openPopWin.arguments.length == 6)
winFeatures += getLocation(winWidth, winHeight, winLeft, winTop)
winFeatures += getLocation(winWidth, winHeight, d_winLeft, d_winTop)
popWin =, winName, 'width=' + winWidth
+ ',height=' + winHeight + winFeatures)
function closePopWin(){
if (navigator.appName != 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'
|| parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >=4)
if(popWin != null) if(!popWin.closed) popWin.close()
function getLocation(winWidth, winHeight, winLeft, winTop){
return ''
function getLocation(winWidth, winHeight, winLeft, winTop){
var winLocation = ''
if (winLeft < 0)
winLeft = screen.width - winWidth + winLeft
if (winTop < 0)
winTop = screen.height - winHeight + winTop
if (winTop == 'cen')
winTop = (screen.height - winHeight)/2 - 20
if (winLeft == 'cen')
winLeft = (screen.width - winWidth)/2
if (winLeft>0 & winTop>0)
winLocation = ',screenX=' + winLeft + ',left=' + winLeft
+ ',screenY=' + winTop + ',top=' + winTop
winLocation = ''
return winLocation
In the body I have created a link as follows:
<a href='JavaScript
penPopWin("access.php?page=experience_add&count=$count&alumni_id=$alumni_id", 300, 300, "", "", "")'>Add More</a>
However because of the double quotes I have to jump out of PHP and then I can't access the variables $count and $alumni_id. Is there a way around this?
<script language='javascript'>
var popWin = null
var winCount = 0
var winName = 'popWin'
function openPopWin(winURL, winWidth, winHeight, winFeatures, winLeft, winTop){
var d_winLeft = 20
var d_winTop = 20
winName = 'popWin' + winCount++
if (openPopWin.arguments.length >= 4)
winFeatures = ',' + winFeatures
winFeatures = ''
if (openPopWin.arguments.length == 6)
winFeatures += getLocation(winWidth, winHeight, winLeft, winTop)
winFeatures += getLocation(winWidth, winHeight, d_winLeft, d_winTop)
popWin =, winName, 'width=' + winWidth
+ ',height=' + winHeight + winFeatures)
function closePopWin(){
if (navigator.appName != 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'
|| parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >=4)
if(popWin != null) if(!popWin.closed) popWin.close()
function getLocation(winWidth, winHeight, winLeft, winTop){
return ''
function getLocation(winWidth, winHeight, winLeft, winTop){
var winLocation = ''
if (winLeft < 0)
winLeft = screen.width - winWidth + winLeft
if (winTop < 0)
winTop = screen.height - winHeight + winTop
if (winTop == 'cen')
winTop = (screen.height - winHeight)/2 - 20
if (winLeft == 'cen')
winLeft = (screen.width - winWidth)/2
if (winLeft>0 & winTop>0)
winLocation = ',screenX=' + winLeft + ',left=' + winLeft
+ ',screenY=' + winTop + ',top=' + winTop
winLocation = ''
return winLocation
In the body I have created a link as follows:
<a href='JavaScript
However because of the double quotes I have to jump out of PHP and then I can't access the variables $count and $alumni_id. Is there a way around this?