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"Windows Game Programming for Dummies" is it in C++ or C?

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Jan 19, 2004
I'm learning C++ and I want a book to teach me Game programming, is Windows Game Programming for Dummies written in C++ or C?
Last month I picked up windows game programming gurus. It's full of a lot of good info and its c++. I guess I like the book alright.
I wouldn't recommend game programming for someone that is just learning to program, but if your smart and/or your already a programmer, hey go for it!
Let me know how it goes. I'm not writing a game put I am learning the I/O methods (Direct sound, Direct Input Direct Draw, etc.) so it would be interesting to share info with you.
Hey, i am interested in game programming and was wondering what exactly do i need to get in order for me to start using all these step-by-step instructions that come in books? if i go get c++ for dummies will that work with the cd it comes with? or do i need to get something else to start. it says it comes with a gnu compiler, but do i need anything else? i just got it yesterday, so bare with me please. hopefully, ill be able to give advice to others later on in my life wen it comes to C++.

A GNU compiler would be sufficient to learn C++. Heck, if you do some searching, I'm sure you could find a C++ compiler for free (unix-based systems all come with one... but that won't help a windows person). Google for it... see if you can find a compiler for free. If you get really serious with it, you might want to consider buying an IDE such as MS Visual C++. There are added features that can make development a lot easier than the command-line compilers.

If you're just learning the C++ language, let me warn you... Game programming is not for the faint of heart. Don't think for a moment that you're going to be writing a solid Quake/HalfLife engine right off the bat. For a long time, you will probably be writing games like tic-tac-toe and Blackjack in order to (a) learn the syntax of the language and (b)learn the logic behind games.

I know that sounded bad; don't get discouraged though... it can be done, you just have to be willing to stick with it. Just make sure you have realistic expectations.

You should definitely spend some time reading posts on sites like this one... I've learned a bundle in the last 2 years. Good luck!


There's no place like
C++ for dumbies does come with a GNU compiler for windows.
Just follow the instructions for installing it, it should be all you need to learn C++. VC++ is only 100$ or so; when you are finished with the dumbies book and want to move onto windows programming take a look at it.

I would also like to emphasize what Ben said, you won't be making large games right off the bat. It takes a lot of experience even to make large 2D games. Also, I hope you did well in math.

thank u both for ur input. i do know that c++ isnt a strole in the park, and i plan on sticking with it for some good time before i go to the more complex games. maybe ill give tetris a try for my first game or so. i have a question though. what is the difference from visual c++ and just c++? is visual c++ a compiler or something? cuz wen i went to the bookstore there were 2 books. 1 was c++ for dummies and the other was visual c++ for dummies, so i want to know which to get before i go buy them, although i might end up needing both. please get back to me soon, as id really like to start. i cant wait!!!

-thanks in advance!
tetris is a really good one to have a go at. And remember, it's highly likely more people have spent more happy hours (or frustrating hours!) playing tetris than quake. A game doesn't actually have to be hugely complicated to be very successful. Your friends will be deeply touched and privileged to be the beta-testers for your first arcade classic clone.
Good luck!
ok, i got the c++ for dummies, but it says that all the programs and c++ coding stuff is gonna be in MS-DOS, but the book is for Windows users. so...what do i do? do i have MS-DOS or something? well, i need it if i wanna do anything from the book. please help me here.
Is your book by Stephen Davis? Just read the book's instuctions for installing the compiler, it worked (for the most part) for me (XP user). Once you got it installed, dive into the first chapter and try to make that Hello World program. If you have trouble getting Rhide to work, I think all you have to do is find out where the Rhide exe is and click on it.

what is the difference from visual c++ and just c++?

Visual C++ is Microsoft's Integrated Development Environment for the C++ language. It includes some special header files for making Windows applications (rather than the ones like you're starting with, that run in a DOS window). It's also an easier interface to use... you code, compile, and debug all right in the same window, and it has the IntelliSense built in for the ability to auto-complete things you're typing (which sounds scary at first, but it's actually the most useful part).

The programs appear in the little DOS window (like the one you'd see if you go to your start menu and select "MS-DOS Prompt"). I'm guessing that with the GNU compiler, you write your code in Notepad or something, and then feed it to the compiler with a command line. So technically, that happens in DOS too, although you don't have to exit windows to do it.

By the way... I'm not 100% sure, but I seem to recall something about academic pricing with VC++. You might check the university bookstore and see if they can get you a discount that way.


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so wen ur saying u write in the notepad, r u saying that that is the MS-DOS prompt they r talking about in the book? cuz i have windows xp and the book says the requirements are windows 95 or later which xp is. it didnt say anything about DOS and now it wants me to use MS-DOS. does that make sense to any1 else, cuz i thought u either have DOS, windows, or something else not 2 at the same time. plz help.
You don't need MS-DOS if that is the book by Stephen Davis, I got it to work for me on XP. Just follow the instructions step by step for installing the thing and once you are finished do a file search for the Rhide .exe. Once you find it, execute it and begin to learn how to use it by reading the book.

You don't need notepad or DOS, but I think you can use notepad if you prefer it over the Rhide text editor.

VC++ academic version is available for a lower price.


When we talk about running it in a DOS window, we're talking about one like this:

Go to Start > Run.
Type cmd and press enter.

You will get a DOS prompt in a little window. This is a feature on (if I remember correctly) every version of Windows. Until you start learning to write graphics-based (or GUI-based) programs, all your C++ programs will run in a little window similar to this... it's called the console.

If Bones3 has the same book/etc. you do, then Apparently you don't need all that information though. Just follow his instructions.


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A Quote from:

section: Origin of Windows?

"When you look at the history of Windows, starting with Windows on top of DOS in 1981 and going forward to XP in 2001 you have to end up with some spaghetti code. It appears Windows is a collection of everything from DOS, to DEC Basic, VMS, RSX-11, to Windows, to the Macintosh? To OS/2, and who knows what? It is no wonder there is a millions lines of code that cannot be fixed."

There's a lot more to Windows than most know.
I read Stephen Davis' 'C++ For Dummies' too. I'm running Windows XP, and all the programs worked fine for me =\ When you hit run, an MS-DOS window pops up, is all. Every one of the programs in the book ran fine for me, so I wouldn't be worried.

//Program to tick off my sister
Programming is officialy a life skill

I have no idea what MIS means
You could use a free compiler for Windows called Dev-C++ located at
It is kind of like how benlinkknilneb described Visual C++, you debug, code and compile in the same application. Its not Visual C++, but its almost as good and its FREE! It can create Win32 API applications, meaning not opening a DOS window, but a "windows window" with the title bar, close button, etc.
Hey Hylian90, MIS means Management Information Systems! :) I only know because that is what my degree is in....before I started the classes, I had no idea either! And I agree with CompCop911, there are plenty of free IDEs to develop in...just look for one with a respectable compiler.

Good Luck,

- "The truth hurts, maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with no seat, but it hurts.
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