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"The Database has been placed in a State by User ..." 1

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Sep 1, 1999
I have an Access2000 database on a server on our WAN. When more than one user tries to open the file, they keep getting the "Database has been placed in a state by User ..." and the file cannot be opened. The database is split and I did install the SR1a upgrade as suggested in the Microsoft Knowledge base. Could some one please help?


Hello! Did you ever find a solution to this problem? My company just converted to Access 2000 from Access 97 and now have this as well. Any guidence you could give would be appreciated...Thanks!
My company has used Access2000 for some time with no problems but after all my users were upgraded??? to Windows 2000 from NT I have had constant crashes. The system keeps setting the database Suspect flag even though the data is not corrupt.
Article Q209137 on the microsoft support site might help There is a routine there that lets you see the individual users state.

If you hear of any solutions please let me know.


I'm having the same problem as you guys. I've found a way, but it's not a good one !! to work around this problem

I used a simple PC, login by administrator and than start the application and making sure it's not exlusive opened etc. As long as I keep the machine running, nobody get's that message and can work.

But I think i'm just lucky ... so anyone with better solutions please let me know ...

Unfortunately, I have not found any solution to this problem. It was not (obviously) affecting too many people so I did not hear any complaints. However, I would love to hear the solution to this problem. It seems to be fairly common and I am wondering if we are looking at the wrong places.
I'm running a shared Access2000 database on NT4 and having the same problem. Most of the time (fortunately), it hasn't been too much of a problem, but I would like to find a solution also.

When you did the upgrade, did you apply it to ALL the machines that can contact the database, or just the machine that the database is on?
OK, I went to the MS knowledge base and they advised installing Microsoft Office SR1a. I did so and now am not having problems anymore. The knowledge base says it has to do with forms that are open that contain subforms.
I also installed SR1a and it did not help even thougth the MS KB said it would. This was 2-3 months ago. After still encountering the problem I opened a (free) incident with MS tech support. Their tech was very willing to work with me and we did a good bit of testing. He also sent me 2 updated libs: msjet40.dll & msrd2x40.dll, which I put in place of the older ones. This didn't help either. Finally, due to my current work load, I had to drop the effort, allowing their tech to archive the problem in the event that I have more time to address it in the future. I joined this thread in the hope that some one out there has found the answer. I suggested to the tech that he only need to put a portion of the error message in a search engine & note the number of folks out there that are in the same boat we're in. Bear in mind that this problem occurs for me in a multiuser environment.
Sorry the SP didn't work for you. A temporary "workaround" is also given, which I think someone already discovered:

"To temporarily work around this problem, leave one instance of the database that does not have the problem form open running at all times. In this way, there is never one copy of the database left open that has the problem form open."

Oh, I just happened to think of something. I installed one of those MS hotfixes, and it really screwed my Access program up. If you've installed any hotfixes, you might try taking them out one by one and see if you still have the same problems. Are you just sharing the database via NT file sharing or are you using Access' multiple users login/setup?
An Update:

1.) I had no problem until the first of my users was upgraded to Windows 2000-it worked great on NT. Now all my 10 users are on Win2000 & it was crashing 4-5 times a day. I was able to see the problem arose during adding records to a subform but I could not fix it. Also when a user locks a WIn2000 machine the code stops running so a routine I embedded to send messages and automatically log off users off wouldn't work because their machine wouldn't check for my message so I had to wait for them to come back to repair.

2.) I tried using the database split & non-spit - no diff.
The database uses the Access multiuser security logins which I must have, but no hot fixes that I know of.

3.) Wednesday I started the first user as Admin and left it running. I had less crashs which may have been linked to users locking their machines for lunch with the program running but I also may have unwittingly run the form on the Admin machine without thinking about it.

4.) Today, I split the database and ran the back end directly from the Admin PC, but included the routine that checks which users are on line and shows their Suspect status flag. The back end had no other code, therefor no problem form.
I had no crashes with 12 users pounding away. (I had warned against locking with the database open).

I hope that fixes it. I will check to be sure that the
SR1a update is installed even though I was previously told that it was.

I am going to report the problem to Microsoft and will post any answer. Meanwhile, I hope my luck holds out.

Thanks for all your help.

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