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"Page cannot be displayed" frequent error. Fixes? Causes? 5

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Jun 21, 2002

In the last couple of days, I keep getting the following error message(see copy of the rror message below) on the internet/in the browser.
Have tried REFRESH and have reinstalled Java from since a buddy said something about a potential Javascript error...

Don't have a clue as to what this is and how to deal with it...

Any ideas? Fixes. guesses,similar problem?
richardhot (SEE BELOW FOR ERROR):

The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.


Please try the following:

Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.

To check your connection settings, click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options. On the Connections tab, click Settings. The settings should match those provided by your local area network (LAN) administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).
If your Network Administrator has enabled it, Microsoft Windows can examine your network and automatically discover network connection settings.
If you would like Windows to try and discover them,
click Detect Network Settings
Some sites require 128-bit connection security. Click the Help menu and then click About Internet Explorer to determine what strength security you have installed.
If you are trying to reach a secure site, make sure your Security settings can support it. Click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options. On the Advanced tab, scroll to the Security section and check settings for SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0.
Click the Back button to try another link.

Cannot find server or DNS Error
Internet Explorer
Hey Rich

Is this happening when trying to access all sites?

If this only happens on a few websites, give me an example of the links.


Hello,WheeDoggy and others:

Very perceptive question. Answer:

My impression is that it happens on and off everwhere on the web, from checking my Hotmail to other websites...
It doesn't always come on and don't see what the pattern might be...thought at one point very low RAM might trigger this but have experienced the message with normal(non-low) levels of RAM, methinks

Wish I could be more precise and informative...

One nutsoid idea: Recently installed BBC.co.uk news ticker and happened to read subsequently (spywareinfo newsletter?, I think) that Red Sheriff is some spyware that comes with bbc.co.uk install and I wonder if it could be some Red Sheriff-type spyware byproduct causing me this hassle...I'm probably going off the deep end here!!!

Alternatively, wonder if there's something in Tools/Internet Options/Advanced that should be checked off or unchecked...I'm flailing around because I don't have any familiarity with this...

Hello Richard

Two things spring to mind (that's good for me).

Security settings within IE, including COOKIE control (why does COOKIE sound OK whereas the English version BISCUIT sounds silly?)

Spyware/scumware! If you have SPYBOT installed, update it. There is a new option available called IMMUNIZATION or IMMUNISATION which appears to stop the auto download of these nasty registry infiltrators. Regards
Hello Crustyoldbloke, et al


Should've mentioned I'm using Spybot 1.2/Spywareblaster combo and have Immunization function active.
In Tools/Internet Options/Security/Custom, I have Cookies
ENABLE checked off and Cookies per Session ENABLE too...
That's all I know...


Try setting IE SECURITY and PRIVACY to DEFAULT values. Regards

Are you using a firewall? Perhaps tcp 443(https) or 21(ftp) not getting out?

Otherwise, I have to go with Phil in that you probably have the security up on high which is not allowing any scripting.

BTW, the RedSheriff thing is some spyware that I am hearing was installed with a Java update late last year (Q810030).
You can search for a file called javalog.txt that actually
logs when (if) the communication occurred if java logging has been enabled (can do this in IE settings - Advanced tab - tick "Java Logging Enabled".
The RedSheriff bother can be disabled using a firewall by blocking IP range: -
Blocking it does not affect the functioning of Java.
Do you have a high-speed, broadband connection with a router? If so, who's the ISP and what's the make/model of the router?

I've seen that some ISP's have recently changed the permitted packet size that can be transmitted. Not all websites, but some do attempt to use an MTU size greater than 1500. If you have a router, you can change the setting manually to match what your ISP requires.

Before I go too far into depth, let's first see if you even have a router or broadband connection...


"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
- A. Einstein

"I've seen that some ISP's have recently changed the permitted packet size that can be transmitted. Not all websites, but some do attempt to use an MTU size greater than 1500"

Not tryin to be a pain in the *ss but do you have a link regarding this?

Here's a link that explains why some web sites experience this problem (I happen to support one that has recently discovered this problem with some of our customers):

On of the most common routers out there is the Linksys BEFSRxx model. Here are some screen shots & instructions to resolve it in that situation:

I should add that some ISP's used PPPoE in the past that didn't have this restricted 1492 MTU setting. For security reasons to help prevent attacks (and other reasons), many ISP's have made the change.


"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
- A. Einstein
Since you didn't say you've change anything to any of your setting other than to install the news ticker, I'm going with the mostly recently install program theory, which is the news ticker. Uninstall it and see if it fixes your problem.

The problem you indicated is pretty general and it's completely within the possibility that spyware can and does causes your problem.

Just speculating here, but say the spyware sends your surfing habits to some database, but it's blocked by Spybot, before it returns control of your browser to you. Than it effectively blocks your access at random times for random sites with no pattern that you can determine just based on some counter they setup to randomly upload information about you.
HKinNYC...theory doesn't hold, as SpyBot doesn't block, but rather detects and cleans. It's not an app that runs in the background. But...good point. I'd totally overlooked the mention of the news ticker. Get this off your machine and run SpyBot ( to clean up any remnants. Does the behavior persist?
Hello, all!

Your comments and pointers are terrific and the level of savvy and ingenuity from you guys puts a piker like me to shame!!!!

Will look into all possibilities when I get a chance and report back..upcoming week..

thanks to all!
Footnote: (forgot to mention)

When I go to website--take for example--everything is normal. It's only when i click on links at site that error message appears up top...
don't know if this tidbit reveals anything...clicking on hyperlinks within web pages leads to hassle...original web site as such is fine...)
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