I've been put in charge of a small network of computers. At the moment, this consists of a Windows 2000 Server domain controller, one Windows 2000 Professional client and a few other 98/ME clients. I am a programmer by profession, so this network admin lark is quite new to me.
The problem I am having is trying to logon to the domain from the Windows 2000 client machine. I get an error, "cannot log you on because netlogon is not running on this machine". With much help from an expert, I have ensured that the DNS configuration is correct: netdiag reports the DNS is all okay.
Why can I not logon from the client? I have checked that both the client and server are running netlogon, and if I use the wrong password, I get a 'bad password' error, so they are talking in some way, just not allowing me to logon. What do I need to do? I've restarted the netlogon service on the server, but no joy.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I've been put in charge of a small network of computers. At the moment, this consists of a Windows 2000 Server domain controller, one Windows 2000 Professional client and a few other 98/ME clients. I am a programmer by profession, so this network admin lark is quite new to me.
The problem I am having is trying to logon to the domain from the Windows 2000 client machine. I get an error, "cannot log you on because netlogon is not running on this machine". With much help from an expert, I have ensured that the DNS configuration is correct: netdiag reports the DNS is all okay.
Why can I not logon from the client? I have checked that both the client and server are running netlogon, and if I use the wrong password, I get a 'bad password' error, so they are talking in some way, just not allowing me to logon. What do I need to do? I've restarted the netlogon service on the server, but no joy.
Any help greatly appreciated.