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"Cannot Display Video Mode" - anyone seen this error before??

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Technical User
May 13, 2004
just had a client call up. 1 month old Dell Dimension 3000.

somebody their end has fiddled with some display settings is seems and each time they boot the pc up they get an error message saying "CANNOT DISPLAY THIS VIDEO MODE".

All they can do is reboot and enter safe mode. they cannot get into regular windows at all because of the above message.

any ideas how to sort??

Have you tried to re-install the desplay driver (What graphix card does the system have)

David Lerwill
"If at first you don't succeed go to the pub"
just an update on the above, it works until they do a restart of the computer at which point it reverts back and displays the message "Cannot Display This Video Mode".

Obviously when going into VGA mode they make the corrections and click Apply then OK. All works fine until they reboot.

Any ideas on how to make it stick?

some further facts:

Dimension 3000 System with 15" Flat Panel monitor

It seems that a refresh rate setting within Windows XP Home has been changed to a setting unsuitable for the monitor to display. Each time the workstation is booted up the following message appears in white on a black background on the monitor:


The message is a monitor generated error (it seems) rather than a Windows error.

Other than the power button, the other three buttons on their monitor do nothing. They have tried 3 monitors including one 17 flat panel.

They can access windows via Enable VGA mode and change the display settings back to what they are on all of their other workstations however when they reboot the workstation it keeps none of the settings and reverts to the above error message. In addition to this they have also tried booting into the last known good configuration but this had no effect.

We have modified two of our Dimension workstations by changing the refresh rate to 100hz and we too get the same error message as above however on our monitors we are able to press the menu button on the monitor and carry out a factory reset. This solves the problem on our workstations. In addition to this our workstations after about 10 seconds of displaying the above error message actually revert back to a regular working display. Again none of this works for our client on their monitors.

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