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"Can Grow" string/memo field printing incorrectly at page break

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Sep 18, 2001
I have several reports where I am missing a single line of text when I have a string or memo field, set to "can grow" with "keep together" NOT checked when the field spans across a page break. I am using Crystal 10. It's like Crystal thinks it has room to print/display the row of text, but doesn't. Changing the print driver doesn't help. It continues on the text page with one line of text missing. I have also had the problem reversed, where it will print the entire field, but will move the page footer down below the page margin.

Any suggessions?
First try installing the service pack:

Where is the field located?

Are you using any underlaying functionality?

You might try placing the memo field inside of a text object, or break it up into formulas and place them in a text object if the Service Pack doesn't handle it.

Thanks. I am in a networked atmosphere where I have Crystal installed locally, but some of the .dlls are on a shared drive for use by Delphi applications that incorporate Crystal Reports and are distributed throughout the company. This makes it hard to tell if the service packs are correctly installing. I am going to try it on a clean machine in a test environment. I have a feeling at least part of my problem is using a bad combination of .dlls.

I have had the same problem with straight text objects in other reports. The text objects are in the details sections of the report and I have multiple details sections, but all pretty straight forward, just very text intensive.

The string field is in another report. The Details A section is blank for spacing. The problem field in the Details B section and the section is marked "underlay following sections. The Details B section also has a small subreport. The Details C section has one field that prints in place of one of the of the fields in the B section under certain conditions. It is just one line (a date) and so Section C will never be longer than Section B. The details sections are within 3 groups. I tried changing the bottom margin to the default .17" and now it just pushes the page footer down to within the bottom margin so it's partially visible or not visible at all.
I tried a clean install of Crystal with the latest service pack and the problems are persisting. I have tried all the print drivers currently installed on our network and none of them are able to solve all the problems. Before I ask our network support people to let me try some other drivers, does anyone have suggestions of drivers that have worked well for them? We use HP printers, but they are not the same model throughout the company.

Dear suecobb,

Try this, place a new section after the section that contains the memo field, make it pretty small and empty and then increase the size slightly until the problem no long persists.

Choose keep together in the section expert for the two sections.

Does that fix the problem?


Rosemary Lieberman
rosemary-at-microflo.com, Microflo provides expert consulting on MagicTSD and Crystal Reports.

You will get answers more quickly if you read this before posting: faq149-3762
Thanks Rosemary, but the problem is that I DON'T want to have to use the "keep together". It leaves too much white space at the bottom of some pages. I want to fill each page until the bottom margin (leaving room on each page for the page footer to print correctly) and then continue on the next page. The issue I have is that sometimes the page footer or the text in the details is cut off.
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