Hello Tygass. I am the CTO here at Objectworld. One of my web alerts pickup up your post.
I'd like to provide you with an answer to your question, but I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do.
Can you provide me with a desription of what you are trying to have happen and we will try and get you an answer.
Just for the benefit of the others reading this thread, and as i'm sure you are aware that Objectworld UC Server is somewhat more than a voicemail system, althought our roots lie there...
What i need to be able to do is queue hunt group calls. the work around i found out was to use voice mail pro as the primary and do a forward on no answer and busy for the users to go to the pilot for the object world. if you have something better let me know, but i believe it was Ed from object world that gave me this info
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