I have an asp page that takes the parameters from the form and use them to retrieve the information for the SQL talbe.
So, in my code I have:
get_params = "select sequence, bottom, Hi_Level from transits where transit_no = " & transit & " and Rec_Month = " & month & " And Rec_Year = " & Year
My retrieved values are hyperlinked:
response.write("<a href='MyAspPage.asp?transit="&x&"&months="&Month&"&years="&Years&"'>"
So that I want to open again this asp page, but instead of parameters from the form, I pass my own parameters.
Would that work? In the beginning of the code I assign the values from the form, but now I would need to assign the passed values to the variables.
Please advise me on how I could run the same page again and use the parameters passed.
I'd appreciate any comments.
I have an asp page that takes the parameters from the form and use them to retrieve the information for the SQL talbe.
So, in my code I have:
get_params = "select sequence, bottom, Hi_Level from transits where transit_no = " & transit & " and Rec_Month = " & month & " And Rec_Year = " & Year
My retrieved values are hyperlinked:
response.write("<a href='MyAspPage.asp?transit="&x&"&months="&Month&"&years="&Years&"'>"
So that I want to open again this asp page, but instead of parameters from the form, I pass my own parameters.
Would that work? In the beginning of the code I assign the values from the form, but now I would need to assign the passed values to the variables.
Please advise me on how I could run the same page again and use the parameters passed.
I'd appreciate any comments.