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Question On Roll Over Lines 1

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Apr 7, 2011
I have four people that will need to have three of the same extensions on their phones to share for receiving calls for a support line. If I use the layout below, will my setup work so that if someone calls the 8080 (key 1) line it will roll over to 7080 if 8080 is busy and if 7080 is busy it will roll over to 6080? Is this possible? Any configuration changes I might need to make for this to work?

KEY 00 SCR 8554 0 MARP
01 SCR 8080 0
02 SCR 7080 D
03 SCR 6080 D
04 MWK 8777
05 AO6
06 CFW 4 8777
07 TRN
Make sure you have HTA in the CLS and the LHK = 3 and it should work.
LHK prompt = Last Hunt Key, in your example put 3.

in the Hunt prompt you can enter the number it will hunt to once it runs to the LHK, or you can enter 000 and it will give busy once it runs out of hunt keys.

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You will have the problem of the marp sets 8554 calls rolling to these numbers. I would set up one phone with 8080, 7080, and 6080 marped and you must have lhk of 2.
Key o scr 8080 0
Key 1 scr 7080 D
Key 2 scr 6080 D
Okay, so in theory I could use the following layout instead and set the LHK to 2 so that 8554 doesn't roll over to the other lines on the phone, right?

00 SCR 8080 0
01 SCR 7080 D
02 SCR 6080 D
03 SCR 8554 0 MARP
04 MWK 8777
05 AO6
06 CFW 4 8777
07 TRN
The problem you will have this way is X8554 will not go to voicemail. Do the other 3 phones have personal EXT's with voicemail? If so can you add a phone that controls the 8080 and it's rollover lines with no other numbers on it?
Wanted to edit that it will go to voicemail but only in a forward no answer condition.
@tgoldsmith: Yes, the other three people that will have these extensions on their phone do have personal extension with voicemail. Do you mean just setting up a physical phone with just these three extensions on it that will roll calls only to these three (8080, 7080, 6080) extensions so that it's not directing personal extensions to these three additional extensions? Is there a way to do this virtually instead of having to run a new line for a phone that only does this? If not, would it be possible to just set up three L500 lines, each one set to one of the extensions that would hunt to the next one in line, then have the final line (6080) redirect to voicemail if unanswered?
The way you have it here should work the way you want it with FNA.
00 SCR 8080 0
01 SCR 7080 D
02 SCR 6080 D
03 SCR 8554 0 MARP

Calls to 8080 will hunt up to key 2 if busy. All calls will FNA to voice mail if not answered but if you don't have a mailbox for 8080, 7080, & 6080 then the call should roll to the attendant from VM. If someone calls your 8554 and it goes to VM it should go to the mailbox of 8554.
But if X8554 is on a call then you will get a fast busy Hawks,

(thegenerallee) if you add analog lines that share with digital line DN's you will have a party line. Anyone could jump on the same key DN and listen to each ohter.

Phone 1 will be a new phone installed anywhere
Key 0 scr 8080 0 Marp
key 1 scr 7080 D Marp
key 2 scr 6080 D Marp


Phone 2
KEY 00 SCR 8554 0 MARP
01 SCR 8080 0
02 SCR 7080 D
03 SCR 6080 D
04 MWK 8777
05 AO6
06 CFW 4 8777
07 TRN

FNA 8777
HTA 8777
Phone 3
KEY 00 SCR 855? 0 MARP
01 SCR 8080 0
02 SCR 7080 D
03 SCR 6080 D
04 MWK 8777
05 AO6
06 CFW 4 8777
07 TRN

FNA 8777
HTA 8777

Phone 4
KEY 00 SCR 855? 0 MARP
01 SCR 8080 0
02 SCR 7080 D
03 SCR 6080 D
04 MWK 8777
05 AO6
06 CFW 4 8777
07 TRN

FNA 8777
HTA 8777
LHK will stop hunting up if a non-dn key is encountered, so you could do the following

FNA 8777
HTA 8777

Key 0 SCR 8554 0 MARP
Key 1 CFW 4 8777
Key 2 SCR 8080 0
key 3 SCR 7080 D
key 4 SCR 6080 D
key 5 AO6
key 6 TRN
key 7 MWK 8777

In this configuration, all your DN keys (0, 2-4) will fna to 8777, and calls to 8080 will hunt up keys 2-4, then to 8777. The feature on key 1 will not allow calls to hunt from key 0 to key 2.

Sorry i missed that, but what allenmac and stanley said either should work for you.
Thanks for the help everyone! I went with the option allenmac and stanley suggested and it seems to be working very well!
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