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Question about symposium link

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Nov 27, 2002


I have a question about symposium link.
We are using Genesys in combination with Symposium link.
The problem we have is that it is not possible when you log in from the softphone from genesys to send over the link the ACD number.
Does anybody know if there is a patch for it.

Already thanks for the answer.

With kind regards Marco
Why are you doing this? Is it so your agent will know what they are answering? If you need this you can build this in with Attatched data from T-Server.

ie...if you get attached data "ACME LUMBER" then they can make this appear on the softphone. This would only happen if you are collecting data on the call. You would need to set this up in either an IVR, or in your IR when creating your routing strategies (in Genesys).

We use attached data from the IVR, because we used to route using this data, so I know it can be done.

Hope this helps....don't make it to difficult. Genesys is a great product, it just needs a little more attention on a NORTEL switch.

I thing you understood my question wrong.

I will explane it better than i did the last time.
On the meridian we have MQA, what means that an agent can log on to upto 5 acd's at the same time.

If the phone is used with an Genesys desktop we need to make sure the phone is logged on to a specific ACD, not the last ACD the phone was logged on manualy. (this is the default)

At this point the Symposium link does not seem to support this. The Genesys desktop can specify a specific ACD in its logon request to Tserver, but the link seems to ignore this.

Setting the RPRT to NO on the ACD programming is not a solution because we still need the ability to log on to multiple ACD queues manualy.

Is there a patch or other solution to make Symposium Link do this?

with kind regards Marco
For discusion purposes:
ACDN key - Key 0 will be DN0
Primary Extension will be DN1

When using Genesys, they will place the call to the DN1 key and not to the DN0 key. They don't do this yet, unless the newest version changed. They place to a group of people belonging to a skill-set rather than an ACD group.

Your scenario would be:

1. The call is placed to a CDN
(212)123-4567 <-- 4567 is the DID number
2. Genesys takes control of the call since it has 4567
listed as a Route Point in the CME.
3. Router than looks at all the people that belong to the
skillset that is used to answer calls to 4567.

If you want multiple ACD's answered by the same people, then you would change those ACDN's to CDN's and have Genesys control the routing of the call. You would enter the calls in CME as Route Points and register the numbers. This is not difficult to do and should be the route you are taking. Remember, when adding in Genesys, or even Symposium, you will be breaking away from ACD based routing and moving to skills based routing, which is a more effective way to route your calls.

You can set skill levels to your agents so that agents that are less proficient in handling calls will get them after the most skilled agents are on the phone.

Hope this helps. If not let me know.


John Anaya

Thanks for your answer, but this is not the question.
We know how Genesys route the call, he routes the call to the primary extension.
The only thing we want is to send a specifik ACD number to the switch from Genesys if the Agent logs on with the desktop we use.
And we want to know if anybody knows if that is possible.

Greetings Marco
I don't think this can be done. The softphone application is married to the phoneset on the desk. You should have a config.bat file in your softphone application that you assign the Place. This place in CME will have the POS ID and the Primary DN in it's properties. This matches a particular desktop to the actual phone on the desktop.

If what you are asking:

When I log on to my softphone application, I need to make sure that my ACD phoneset will be logged into a particular queue. If you want to do that then you would need to program key 0 with the ACDN you want to be logged into.

Feel free to ask if you have other questions.

One last question is:

Why would you want to continue to use MQA with Genesys? With Symposium or Genesys you can leave behind the cumbersome task of logging into muliple queue, give an agent an agent ID and then assign skills. That is the whole purpose of gettting an ACD engine such as Genesys.

It's a powerful tool, it you let it do what it is supposed to do. It's was a little quirky in Rel 5, but they seem to have all the kinks worked out now, as they relate to Nortel.

Okay... but do you have a solution in mind with the pending death of MQA and MAX?

Any thoughts on that would be appreciated in terms of:
1) Agent logins,
2) Routing the call to either the agent at the SDN or the agent at the PID (by setting each agent up as their own queue), and
3) Routing calls to agents in the case of a CTI outage.

You kind of have to give up on the old ways when you start looking at Genesys. Symposium as a direct relacement for MAX/MQA/CCR is alot easier.

In reverse order:
3) You can leave the phoneset with a default ACD queue which will kick in should Genesys or Symposium fails (ie. Meridian goes to default routing) but this can only be set directly from the Meridian and not through any user interface (unlike with MAX where you could change the default on the phoneset).

2) Give up on key0 if you are using Genesys. Giving agents their own queues is a work around but not manageable when you scale it up. Problem then is how do you get call force and other Meridian key0 features. These will only be available under Symposium as this level of interface is not exposed for 3rd party development (as far as I know).

With Symposium, you assign agents multiple skillsets which replaces MQA altogether.

1) Agent logins. Not sure what you mean here but again under Symposium there is no difference, just set-up agents with the same IDs.

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