Hello there, I am seating for the OCP exam 1z0 001 INTRODUCTION TO ORACLE 8i SQL AND PL/SQL next 27th August.Now I am facing some problems.I have completed the study book by Chip Dawes/Biju Thomas.I also completed the study guide from oracle press by Couchman's book - DBA Exam Certification Guide.But as I now reading the study guide from Exam Cram series I am very surprised to know that I know about 50% of this book and many topics covered in this book is quite new to me.But I have completed the other two books very well and can correct more than 90% answer relating to those two books.Please tell me what should I do?
Besides this problem,I have some problems too.
1. I learnt that in oracle 8i We can use order by clause while creating view.Is this true? Please explain.
2. I am quite confused about the output of FALSE AND NULL, FALSE OR NULL,TRUE AND NULL,TRUE OR NULL.Please explain.
Thank you.
Besides this problem,I have some problems too.
1. I learnt that in oracle 8i We can use order by clause while creating view.Is this true? Please explain.
2. I am quite confused about the output of FALSE AND NULL, FALSE OR NULL,TRUE AND NULL,TRUE OR NULL.Please explain.
Thank you.