A quick question about checkboxes. I have an ASP page that retrieve information into a recordset and certain fields have a value 1 or 0 which is for the checkboxes.
The only way to actually show the check box mark on the page is by
If value = 1 then
response.write "<INPUT type = checkbox Name = chk1 checked "
response.write "<INPUT type = checkbox Name = chk1"
end if
Is this the only way to do it?
A quick question about checkboxes. I have an ASP page that retrieve information into a recordset and certain fields have a value 1 or 0 which is for the checkboxes.
The only way to actually show the check box mark on the page is by
If value = 1 then
response.write "<INPUT type = checkbox Name = chk1 checked "
response.write "<INPUT type = checkbox Name = chk1"
end if
Is this the only way to do it?