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Querying the registry for database type of ODBC DSN

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Mar 10, 1999
I am trying to determine the database type of a database from the ODBC DSN that is set up on the client computer.<br>
I cannot seem to get enough reliable information from the connect string once the database is opened and am trying to query the value:<br>
I can open the key using the "RegOpenKey" API but cannot either enumerate the key values or retrieve any of the key values. I have tried both "RegEnumValueEx" and "RegQueryValueEx" but both return an error. Am I right in thinking that if the API call asks for a data type "Byte" then I set up a Byte array and send the first element of the array to the API call? This is necessary with "RegQueryValueEx".<br>
Thanks in advance to any API experts out there.
In the absence of any replies I managed to sort the problem out myself. Here is the source for the problem. I was trying to query an ODBC DSN to determine whether the database type was Access or SQL Server:-<br>
Public Function GetDatabaseType(vsConnect As String, vtType As DatabaseType) As Boolean<br>
'This function will Query the registry for the string value of the DSN passed and will analyse the<br>
'string to return one of the database types.<br>
Dim lKeyHandle As Long<br>
Dim sData As String<br>
Dim lRetHandle As Long<br>
Dim lReturn As Long<br>
Dim lLenReturnValue As Long<br>
Dim lType As Long<br>
Dim sRetString As String<br>
Dim sDSNName As String<br>
'Get the DSN name from the connect string<br>
sDSNName = Mid(vsConnect, InStr(vsConnect, "DSN=") + 4)<br>
sDSNName = Left(sDSNName, InStr(sDSNName, ";") - 1)<br>
lReturn = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.ini\ODBC Data Sources", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, lRetHandle)<br>
If lReturn &lt;&gt; 0 Then<br>
Err.Raise erRegistryError, "clsArchive::GetDatabaseType", "Unable to open the ODBC Data Sources registry key."<br>
Exit Function<br>
End If<br>
sData = String$(1024, 0)<br>
lLenReturnValue = 1024<br>
lReturn = RegQueryValueEx(lRetHandle, sDSNName, 0, lType, sData, lLenReturnValue)<br>
If lReturn &lt;&gt; 0 Then<br>
Err.Raise erRegistryError, "clsArchive::GetDatabaseType", "Unable to retrieve the registry key value (" & sDSNName & ")."<br>
RegCloseKey lRetHandle<br>
Exit Function<br>
GetDatabaseType = True<br>
sRetString = Left(sData, lLenReturnValue - 1)<br>
If InStr(UCase(sRetString), "ACCESS") &gt; 0 Then<br>
vtType = dtAccess<br>
ElseIf InStr(UCase(sRetString), "SQL SERVER") &gt; 0 Then<br>
vtType = dtSQLServer<br>
vtType = dtUnknown<br>
End If<br>
GetDatabaseType = True<br>
End If<br>
RegCloseKey lRetHandle<br>
End Function<br>
Well, somebody may be wondering!
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