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Query returns zero records

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Dec 20, 2003
I am working on a web page that will display calendar information for Exchange Resource accounts. For whatever reason, it seems I cannot get my record set to contain data.

Can anyone see any mistakes here? I have configured IIS for the directory this is in to use an account with full mailbox rights to the resource account.

Dim RS,sys
Set sys = Server.CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
domainInfo = sys.DomainDNSName

Dim resource
resource = "lunchroom"

Response.Write "<p><b><font size='7' color='#008000'>"
Response.Write UCase(Left(resource,1))
Response.Write Mid(resource,2,Len(resource)-5)
Response.Write " Room Meetings</font></b></p>"

now1 = convertUTC(now(), 18, 0)
now2 = convertUTC(date & " " & timevalue("23:59:59"), 18, 0)
tyear = year(now1)
etyear = year(now2)
tmonth = month(now1)
etmonth = month(now2)
if tmonth < 10 then
	tmonth = 0 & tmonth
end if
if etmonth < 10 then
	etmonth = 0 & etmonth
end if
stday = day(now1)
etday = day(now2)
if stday < 10 then
	stday = 0 & stday
end if
if etday < 10 then
	etday = 0 & etday
end if
sttime = formatdatetime(now1,4)
ettime = formatdatetime(now2,4)
qdatest = tyear & "-" & tmonth & "-" & stday & "T"
qdateed = etyear & "-" & etmonth & "-" & etday & "T"
qdatest1 = qdatest & sttime & ":" & "00Z"
qdatesed = qdateed & ettime & ":" & "00Z"

Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 
set Rec = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Record")
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
CalendarURL = "file://./backofficestorage/" & domainInfo & "/MBX/" & resource & "/calendar/"
Conn.Provider = "ExOLEDB.DataSource"
Rec.Open CalendarURL
Set Rs.ActiveConnection = Rec.ActiveConnection
Rs.Source = "SELECT ""DAV:href"", " & _
                  " ""urn:schemas:httpmail:subject"", " & _
                  " ""urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart"", " & _
                  " ""urn:schemas:calendar:dtend"", " & _
		  " ""urn:schemas:calendar:organizer"", " & _
		  " ""DAV:contentclass"" " & _
            	  "FROM scope('shallow traversal of """ & CalendarURL & """') " & _
		 "WHERE (""urn:schemas:calendar:dtend"" >= CAST(""" & qdatest1 & """ as 'dateTime')) " & _
                 "AND (""urn:schemas:calendar:dtend"" <= CAST(""" & qdatesed & """ as 'dateTime'))" & _
		 " AND ""DAV:contentclass"" = 'urn:content-classes:appointment'" & _
		 "ORDER BY ""urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart"" ASC"
Response.Write CalendarURL
Response.Write "<br>Number of appointments:" & RS.RecordCount


<p>&nbsp;</p>The page will automatically refresh every 30 Seconds Last updated on <%Response.write(Now) %>

function convertUTC(dtconv, tzfr, tzTo)
	Set tapptobj = CreateObject("CDO.Appointment")
	Set tapptconf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
	tapptobj.Configuration = tapptconf
	tapptconf.Fields("urn:schemas:calendar:timezoneid").Value = tzfr
	tapptobj.StartTime = dtconv
	tapptconf.Fields("urn:schemas:calendar:timezoneid").Value = tzTo
	convertutc = tapptobj.StartTime
end function


I hope you find this post helpful.



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