ive got a bookshop database + have a problem with 2 of the tbls: 'BookExpenditure' (money spent on books) + 'MiscExpenditure' (rent, bills etc.) i also have a report based upon a parameter query which shows the expenditure when you type the begining and end date. the problem is that the report only shows expenditure for dates which are equal on both tbls, which is due to the relationships. i tried changing the query relationship, but there were only 2 other options: to show all dates on 'BookExpenditure' tbl and only those that are the same from 'MiscExpenditure' tbl or vice versa. i want to show ALL dates from BOTH tbls with the corresponding expenditure. also, i want them to be 2 seperate tbls.
I would appreciate any help. Thankds
I would appreciate any help. Thankds