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query-problem 1

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Jan 29, 2002
I got the following query

select t.id, pers1.name name1, pers1.firstname firstname1,
pers2.name name2, pers2.firstname firstname2,
t.discipline, t.number
from team t
join team_person tpers1 on tpers1.team_id=t.id
join person pers1 on pers1.id=tpers1.person_id
left join team_person tpers2 on tpers2.team_id=t.id and
tpers2.person_id not in (select tpers21.person_id
from team_person tpers21
where tpers21.person_id=tpers1.person_id)
left join person pers2 on pers2.id=tpers2.person_id

resultuing with:
id name1 firstname1 name2 firstname2 discipline number
1 Miller Steven NULL NULL Single 1
2 Miller Steven Smith Susan Mixed 2
2 Smith Susan Miller Steven Mixed 2

but the mixed-combination Miller/Smith shouldnt result twice. How should i change the query to get the following result?
id name1 firstname1 name2 firstname2 discipline number
1 Miller Steven NULL NULL Single 1
2 Miller Steven Smith Susan Mixed 2

Thanks in advance.
TRY THIS...The column names and table names in the below query might not match exactly with yours...

select A.TeamId, A.Name1, A.FirstName1, A.Name2, A.FirstName2, A.Discipline, A.number
select tp1.teamId, p.PersonId, p.LName as Name1 , p.FName as FirstName1,
p2.LName as Name2, p2.FName as FirstName2, t.discipline, t.number
from #Team t join #TeamPerson tp1 on t.Id = tp1.teamid
join #Person p on tp1.personId = p.personId
left join #TeamPerson tp2 on t.Id = tp2.teamId and tp1.personId <> tp2.personId
left join #Person P2 on p2.personId = tp2.personId
) A
JOIN (select teamId, min(PersonId) as PID from #TeamPerson group by teamId) B
on A.TeamId = B.TeamId
WHERE A.PersonId = B.PID

Hope this helps.
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Part and Inventory Search

