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Query Output to a Table 1

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Nov 7, 2002
I've a query which creates an output with many columns. I
want to transfer the whole query output to a new table..
The query output has some decimal values in the columns too
which I want to have it the same...It should not get
rounded... I just want to have the same values in the table
as it is in the query output...

Thanks much....
Hi again nithink,

if you append your query result to an existing table:
make shure that the fields in your table, that should contain the decimal values, are formatted as 'number' with fieldsize 'double'.


Martin Serra Jr.
Hi Martin,
HOw to export that query output to a new table ?
You were saying abt append query ... how to use that ?
What I did was I exported the query output to a .txt file
and then imported that .txt file to a new table.... But all
the decimal values was rounded... I dont want that to happen.. Is there any easier way ?

1st: can you please post the SQL of your output query

2nd: please answer this question: do you want to accumulate the output data in just one table over time, or do you want to create a new table each time, the output query is run?

see ya,

Martin Serra Jr.
Answer 1:

SELECT IIf(IsNumeric([dbarc].[acct_num]),IIf(Val([dbarc].[acct_num])>=680000,"70-","44-"),"44-") & [dbarc].[acct_num] AS cl_id, format(dbarc.ret_date-datepart("d",ret_date),'mm/dd/yyyy') AS post_date, 'M' AS post_type, IIf(IsNull([dbsr].[gim2000_id_2]),NZ(Switch([dbarc.rcat_cd]="TOTA","TOTAL",
[dbarc.rcat_cd]="FIXED","FIXEDALL"),[dbarc.rcat_cd]),[dbsr.gim2000_id_2]) AS perf_class, 'F' AS post_curr_code, 'N/A' AS sloc_cur, 'N' AS perf_cash, 0 AS mkt_val, 0 AS accr_inc, 0 AS accr_int, 0 AS accr_div, 0 AS d_net_tot_ror, 0 AS d_grs_tot_ror, 0 AS e_net_tot_ror, 0 AS e_grs_tot_ror, IIf(([dbsr].[gim2000_ID_3] & "")="N", [dbarc].[ret_pct],Null) AS p_net_tot_ror, IIf(IsNull([dbsr].[gim2000_ID_3]), [dbarc].[ret_pct],Null) AS p_grs_tot_ror, 0 AS d_net_prn_ror, 0 AS d_grs_prn_ror, 0 AS e_net_prn_ror, 0 AS e_grs_prn_ror, 0 AS p_net_prn_ror, 0 AS p_grs_prn_ror, 0 AS d_net_inc_ror, 0 AS d_grs_inc_ror, 0 AS e_net_inc_ror, 0 AS e_grs_inc_ror, 0 AS p_net_inc_ror, 0 AS p_grs_inc_ror, 0 AS flow, 0 AS contribution, 0 AS net_fees, 0 AS grs_fees, 0 AS bond_int, 0 AS txn_costs, 0 AS withhold, 0 AS income, 0 AS additions, 0 AS withdrawals, 0 AS interest, 0 AS dividends, 0 AS bond_int1, 0 AS grs_fees1, 0 AS net_fees1, 0 AS cost, 0 AS grs_wtd_flow, 0 AS net_wtd_flow, 0 AS txn_costs1, 0 AS withhold1, 0 AS wtd_bond_int, 0 AS wtd_txn_costs, 0 AS wtd_withhold
FROM dbo_acct AS dba, dbo_acct_ret_category AS dbarc, dbo_spec_rpt_1 AS dbsr
WHERE dbarc.acct_num = dba.acct_num and
dbsr.acct_num = dba.acct_num and
dbarc.acct_num = dbsr.acct_num and
dbarc.rcat_cd = dbsr.rcat_cd and
dbsr.gim2000_id_1 is null and
dbsr.availability = 'X'
ORDER BY dbarc.ret_date, dbarc.acct_num;

Each time a new table when the query is run..
ok, so change the sql of your output query to the following:

SELECT IIf(IsNumeric([dbarc].[acct_num]),IIf(Val([dbarc].[acct_num])>=680000,"70-","44-"),"44-") & [dbarc].[acct_num] AS cl_id, format(dbarc.ret_date-datepart("d",ret_date),'mm/dd/yyyy') AS post_date, 'M' AS post_type, IIf(IsNull([dbsr].[gim2000_id_2]),NZ(Switch([dbarc.rcat_cd]="TOTA","TOTAL",
                                                                       [dbarc.rcat_cd]="FIXED","FIXEDALL"),[dbarc.rcat_cd]),[dbsr.gim2000_id_2]) AS perf_class, 'F' AS post_curr_code, 'N/A' AS sloc_cur, 'N' AS perf_cash, 0 AS mkt_val, 0 AS accr_inc, 0 AS accr_int, 0 AS accr_div, 0 AS d_net_tot_ror, 0 AS d_grs_tot_ror, 0 AS e_net_tot_ror, 0 AS e_grs_tot_ror, IIf(([dbsr].[gim2000_ID_3] & "")="N", [dbarc].[ret_pct],Null) AS p_net_tot_ror, IIf(IsNull([dbsr].[gim2000_ID_3]), [dbarc].[ret_pct],Null) AS p_grs_tot_ror, 0 AS d_net_prn_ror, 0 AS d_grs_prn_ror, 0 AS e_net_prn_ror, 0 AS e_grs_prn_ror, 0 AS p_net_prn_ror, 0 AS p_grs_prn_ror, 0 AS d_net_inc_ror, 0 AS d_grs_inc_ror, 0 AS e_net_inc_ror, 0 AS e_grs_inc_ror, 0 AS p_net_inc_ror, 0 AS p_grs_inc_ror, 0 AS flow, 0 AS contribution, 0 AS net_fees, 0 AS grs_fees, 0 AS bond_int, 0 AS txn_costs, 0 AS withhold, 0 AS income, 0 AS additions, 0 AS withdrawals, 0 AS interest, 0 AS dividends, 0 AS bond_int1, 0 AS grs_fees1, 0 AS net_fees1, 0 AS cost, 0 AS grs_wtd_flow, 0 AS net_wtd_flow, 0 AS txn_costs1, 0 AS withhold1, 0 AS wtd_bond_int, 0 AS wtd_txn_costs, 0 AS wtd_withhold
INTO tbl_output
FROM dbo_acct AS dba, dbo_acct_ret_category AS dbarc, dbo_spec_rpt_1 AS dbsr
WHERE dbarc.acct_num = dba.acct_num and
             dbsr.acct_num   = dba.acct_num and
             dbarc.acct_num = dbsr.acct_num and
             dbarc.rcat_cd = dbsr.rcat_cd and
             dbsr.gim2000_id_1 is null        and
             dbsr.availability = 'X'
ORDER BY dbarc.ret_date, dbarc.acct_num;

this SQL overrides the old table tbl_output each time that it is run. to keep all the output tables stored in the DB, would require some VBA coding.


Martin Serra Jr.
Thx Martin... It mite have been simple for yu but for me
as I'm totally new to Access I dont know these small
things... Thank yu and yu deserve a star...
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