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Query output not being passed

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Jul 7, 2004
I have a Location component that has a paypal optional payment field populated, and a Disable webshop registration = yes in the Administration. A query on the front end pulls both of these fields, but is returing the paypal field blank. Below is a sample of the query. location.regDisabled is boolean, while location.paypalAddress is varchar.

Any idea on why a field that I KNOW is populated in the backend isn't returning anything in the query?

SELECT product.product_id, schedule.*, DAYOFWEEK(schedule.start) AS day, location.name AS locationName, location.city, location.state, location.regDisabled, location.regFile, location.paypalAddress
FROM mos_makinmusic_schedule AS schedule INNER JOIN
mos_makinmusic_class AS class ON (schedule.classid=class.id) INNER JOIN
mos_makinmusic_location AS location ON (schedule.locationid=location.id)

Output for template results below.

$bRegDisabled = false;
$bPaypalAddress = false;

if($aLocation['regDisabled']) // Currently, this is true
$bRegDisabled = true;

if(!empty($aLocation['paypalAddress'])) // this should not be empty
$bPaypalAddress = true;
Please let us know what kind of database backend it is.
Are you saying that the nested join treats boolean output differently than varchar?
The SQL looks fine besides the fact product.product_id has no table associated with it.

Since it is returning a value then the JOINS are working correctly. There must not be a value in that field.

Then again, I do not think we have the complete SQL you are using because as-is it would never return a thing.
Here's the full script:

SELECT product.product_id, schedule.*, DAYOFWEEK(schedule.start) AS day, location.name AS locationName, location.city, location.state, location.regDisabled, location.regFile, location.paypalAddress, location.emailRegistration, class.name, class.beginAge, class.endAge, user.name AS teacher
FROM mos_makinmusic_schedule AS schedule INNER JOIN
mos_makinmusic_class AS class ON (schedule.classid=class.id) INNER JOIN
mos_makinmusic_location AS location ON (schedule.locationid=location.id) INNER JOIN
mos_makinmusic_schedule_teacher AS teacherTmp ON (teacherTmp.scheduleid=schedule.id) INNER JOIN
mos_makinmusic_teacher AS teacher ON (teacherTmp.teacherid=teacher.id) INNER JOIN
mos_pshop_product AS product ON (schedule.id=product.scheduleid) INNER JOIN
mos_users AS user ON (teacher.userid=user.id) WHERE schedule.published='1' AND schedule.classid=1
ORDER BY location.name, location.state, schedule.start, class.name, teacher
so whats happens when you do a

SELECT l.paypalAddress FROM schedule s
INNER JOIN location l ON l.id=s.locationid
WHERE s.classid=1

Do you get a value returned?
I had 46 records retrieved, only about 1/3 of which were non-null. But, they were all the same value (since we're not using a DISTINCT in here).
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