I will do my best here to explain myself, this is my first post in this forum so be sure to tell me if I am not following procedure. I have a query that pulls data from an ODBC link. It pulls all calls in according to the date I enter (parameter: >=DateAdd("h",7,[Start Date])And<=("h",19,[End Date])). This works great, I get all records of calls abandoned on that date between the hours of 7am to 7pm grouped by phone line. I have fmany fields but the ones in question really are Timestamp(date/time), Application(name of phone lines), and CallsAbandoned (number of calls abandoned for that particular phone line). I now need to add to this query. I need to add additional columns breaking down the number of calls abandoned between certain time frames (example: 7-10AM, 10-1PM, 1-3PM,3-5PM, and 5-7PM).
Basically what I want is it to be grouped by the Phone Line name (Application) so it shows the total calls abandoned (which I already have it doing) and then in the next columns a breakdown of how many of those calls were abandoned in between the above-stated time lines. Can anyone help direct me in this? Thanks in advance!
Basically what I want is it to be grouped by the Phone Line name (Application) so it shows the total calls abandoned (which I already have it doing) and then in the next columns a breakdown of how many of those calls were abandoned in between the above-stated time lines. Can anyone help direct me in this? Thanks in advance!