As I searched the Internet, I came accross a thread on this site which was incredibly helpful (I am miles beyond where I was) Anyway, I can not find that thread now that I have become a member. I know it was in this forum.
Bottom line: They had examples of this code. I have it in but I keep getting a 424Object Required error. Could someone please take a look at this and see what is wrong. I have DAO 3.6 enabled. I have tried it with both DAO and ADO enabled and get the same error.
Private Sub Command18_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database 'CurrentDb
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef 'Used to save the query that's created for the report
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strYourSQLSelectFromStatement As String
Dim strSQLWhere As String
Dim varItem As Variant
strYourSQLSelectFromStatement = "SELECT [Hardware Table].[BARCODE], [Hardware Table].[Rack #], [Hardware Table].[Description], [Hardware Table].[Item], [Hardware Table].[Maker], [Hardware Table].[Model# (HW) Version# (SW)], [Hardware Table].[Serial #], [Hardware Table].[Purpose/Remarks], [Hardware Table].[Host name], [Hardware Table].[IP address], [Hardware Table].[DNS ENTRY REQ'D?], [Hardware Table].[CPU Type], [Hardware Table].[CPU Speed], [Hardware Table].[#CPUs], [Hardware Table].[HD], [Hardware Table].[RAM], [Hardware Table].[Location], [Hardware Table].[In Production], [Hardware Table].[Accounted For], [Hardware Table].[Date Accounted For]"
strSQLWhere = "vbNullString"
If (descriptions.ItemsSelected.Count = 0) Then Exit Sub
strSQLWhere = "Where"
For Each varItem In descriptions.ItemsSelected
strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & Description.Column(0, varItem) & "' OR "
Next varItem
strSQLWhere = Left(strSQLWhere, Len(strSQLWhere) - 4) 'Get rid of last OR
strSQL = strYourSQLSelectFromStatement & strSQLWhere
Set dbs = CurrentDb
dbs.QueryDefs.Delete "descriptions"
Set qdf = dbs.CreateQueryDef("descriptions"
strSQL = vbNullString
Exit Sub
If (Err.Number = 3265) Then 'IFT, tryed to delete a query that did not exist.
Resume Next
MsgBox Err.Number & Err.Description
Resume ExitProcedure
End If
End Sub
Bottom line: They had examples of this code. I have it in but I keep getting a 424Object Required error. Could someone please take a look at this and see what is wrong. I have DAO 3.6 enabled. I have tried it with both DAO and ADO enabled and get the same error.
Private Sub Command18_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database 'CurrentDb
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef 'Used to save the query that's created for the report
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strYourSQLSelectFromStatement As String
Dim strSQLWhere As String
Dim varItem As Variant
strYourSQLSelectFromStatement = "SELECT [Hardware Table].[BARCODE], [Hardware Table].[Rack #], [Hardware Table].[Description], [Hardware Table].[Item], [Hardware Table].[Maker], [Hardware Table].[Model# (HW) Version# (SW)], [Hardware Table].[Serial #], [Hardware Table].[Purpose/Remarks], [Hardware Table].[Host name], [Hardware Table].[IP address], [Hardware Table].[DNS ENTRY REQ'D?], [Hardware Table].[CPU Type], [Hardware Table].[CPU Speed], [Hardware Table].[#CPUs], [Hardware Table].[HD], [Hardware Table].[RAM], [Hardware Table].[Location], [Hardware Table].[In Production], [Hardware Table].[Accounted For], [Hardware Table].[Date Accounted For]"
strSQLWhere = "vbNullString"
If (descriptions.ItemsSelected.Count = 0) Then Exit Sub
strSQLWhere = "Where"
For Each varItem In descriptions.ItemsSelected
strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & Description.Column(0, varItem) & "' OR "
Next varItem
strSQLWhere = Left(strSQLWhere, Len(strSQLWhere) - 4) 'Get rid of last OR
strSQL = strYourSQLSelectFromStatement & strSQLWhere
Set dbs = CurrentDb
dbs.QueryDefs.Delete "descriptions"
Set qdf = dbs.CreateQueryDef("descriptions"
strSQL = vbNullString
Exit Sub
If (Err.Number = 3265) Then 'IFT, tryed to delete a query that did not exist.
Resume Next
MsgBox Err.Number & Err.Description
Resume ExitProcedure
End If
End Sub