I have a query that I am trying to run, I believe I have all the necessary elelments there, but even when I enter the correct information, CF still goes to the CFLocation page. Here is the code:<br><br><!-- ZIPCODE VALIDATION TEST --><br> <cfoutput>#FORM.Zip#</cfoutput><br> <cfquery name="ZipTest" datasource="#session.dsn#"><br> SELECT ZIP<br> FROM Zipcode_Territory <br> </cfquery><br> <br> <cfoutput query="ZipTest"><br> #ziptest.zip#<br> </cfoutput><br> <br> <cfif ziptest.zip NEQ FORM.zip><br> <CFLOCATION URL="nonres.cfm" ADDTOKEN="no"><br> </cfif><br><br>I am testing for the state of Pennsylvania, so I am only entering PA Zips. Even when I do add valid zips, CF goes to my CFlocation page. Any advice would be much appreciated.<br>