Please excuse my ignorance concerning the question posed about the server. The server is provided via a web host. I was told it was a Linux server with Active Server pages enabled. I am almost positive it is an ASP server other than Microsoft IIS, but I do not know which one. If that is important, I can find it out.
I wanted to use ASP because it is more familiar than PHP, which is also an option. However, if PHP would be simpler, please point me in the right direction.
I have been unable to determine if the server can emulate ADO. I thought it might be best to write a test page and see if it works. I have never used ADO to read a CSV file. Can you help me get me started?
I appreciate the last link provided. It was very helpful. However, because the server is Linux, I don't think the Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider will work. Please correct me if I am wrong. Can someone tell me what would be the provider on a linux machine?
Thank you everyone for your help. I was able to find out that the server is using ChiliSoft ASP which is different than traditional ASP. My program so far is:
strPath = getServerPath() & "/"
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rstEntries = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
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